[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
Guys, you’re missing the point I made.
It’s crystal clear that you can’t sacrifice/mutilate/rape a person in the western world because of your religious convictions. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?!
But as long as religious crackpots can spread their sick “gospel”, we’re gonna have loons and fanatics all around. Like the guy who stated molesting children would be some kind of a important ritual for him.
Dear ZEB, I did not assume child molesters and christians are somewhat equal. But as long as we assume it’s OK to talk to “Jesus” as your personal saviour, this is an invitation for crazy behaviour.
Some of you may say now: Schwarzfahrer, as long as they don’t do anything against the law, it’s all OK to me, right? Isn’t that the gist of libertarianism? We told you that. Read the posts.
I know, I know, but have you read my posts? There’s nothing wrong with craziness if you keep it to yourself but most mesopotamian monotheistic ideas like Christianity or Islam are so aggressively promoting their ideas of hatred and ignorance, it’s not just a local nuisance.
In elementary school, I’ve been told the bizarre story of Abram and his son (think he was called Issac). Most of you will probably know the story, but for the uninitiated, I will try to present the short version.
Now the Gawd tells Abram to go to some mountain whose name I forgot and make a sacrifice. His (only) son is to be taken with him because god wants him to be the the actual sacrifice. So Abram, obedient and coldhearted like Saddam’s best torturer ties his own son up. He raises his knife and just before he is about to stab- an angel appears and tells him, “It’s OK- Gawd only wanted to test you.”
Instead, the angel tells him about a nearby ram that has broken it’s leg or something and would also make an excellent sacrifice. So A. cheers, frees his son, they kill the ram and return home, happy that their Boss had other plans.
Even when I was small, I was somewhar puzzled. At that pont I guess, you can either swallow that fact that this crazy story doesn’t contradict the fact about a caring, loving god and omnipotent god- or you can doubt it and start to think for yourself.
If you start to believe the story, you methodically start to compromise your own free thinking.
And similar to A., who would after that point believe or do just anything (that bastich would have killed his own son!), most of us guys would believe practically anything.
ZEB, I don’t hate christianity. But their ideology is dangerous and I will try my best to make this clear.
Without religious loons, there probably wouldn’t have been this child molesting sect.
Sorry bub…you have still not made your case. And in trying to make that silly case you have not helped yourself.
Because one nut thinks that a little boys butt is a playground does not mean that millions of Christians around the world should be silenced.
I think with every post you dig yourself a deeper hole that you will not be climbing out of anytime soon.
The behavior that you describe as nutty can be attributed to almost anyone on any subject.
Let me get back to basics with you:
Any nut can say and do just about anything. That that particular nut attributes his “nuttieness” to a “religion” does not in fact mean that Christianity is bad.
That nut could have attributed his criminal behavior to eating lots of Twinkies. And as a matter of fact there was a killer not long ago who in DID attribute his criminal behavior to eating Twinkies.
In fact, I think it was called “the Twinkie defense.”
Now tell me does that mean that everyone who eats Twinkies is a killer? Does it mean that anyone who eats cakes or pastries is going to commit a crime?
Okay…it’s not eating clean, but it’s no crime.
Really…attempting to take a cheap shot at Christianity on this thread is low. Be careful or you will not be taken anymore seriously than another of your fellow atheists who feels obliged to throw out negative comments about Christianity on threads that have nothing to do with religion.
I think you’re smarter than this current stance that you are trying to defend.
Why don’t you just post that you had a “brain fart” and be done with it?