I accidentally laughed my ass off at this story:
It’s an awful thing that happened, but the irony is just to great to ignore.
I accidentally laughed my ass off at this story:
It’s an awful thing that happened, but the irony is just to great to ignore.
I see the humor but feel bad for his wife.
[quote]Gregus wrote:
I see the humor but feel bad for his wife. [/quote]
Well one way or another, I am sure she is glad she is rid of his ass. Besides, now he’ll get to be raped multiple times…He really should have thought that move over.
Yeah, was meaning to post that, hard not to grin.
At least he beheaded her in a moderate fashion.
Wasn’t that a Wahabi-financed channel?
Wow - says a lot about the reality behind the facade of “peaceful” islam.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Wasn’t that a Wahabi-financed channel?[/quote]
Surprised you didn’t say Rupert Murdock.
Wahabis? Aren’t they Islamic?
[quote]Gkhan wrote:
lixy wrote:
Wasn’t that a Wahabi-financed channel?
Surprised you didn’t say Rupert Murdock.
Wahabis? Aren’t they Islamic?[/quote]
I was hoping lixy would show us how the doctrine of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab differs from Sunni orthodoxy as taught by each of the 4 Schools as it relates to jihad. Something tells me it doesn’t differ at all:
[quote]pat wrote:
I accidentally laughed my ass off at this story:
It’s an awful thing that happened, but the irony is just to great to ignore. [/quote]
Sheesh. He should be hired by the State Department.
Good article:
[quote]Chushin wrote:
lixy wrote:
Wasn’t that a Wahabi-financed channel?
I don’t know; was it?
And what’s your point?[/quote]
Point? It’s a question, you dim-wit!
Five years ago, I remember reading something by R. Spencer that the TV station was a Saudi-backed Islamist propaganda effort, and how the people behind it are considered by FBI agents to be terrorists or something to that extent.
There’s no wiki page on it (yet), and I was hoping someone might tell us more about those claims. To be honest, and seeing how your contributions to this forum rarely exceed empty one-liners, I didn’t have you in mind.
[quote]Chushin wrote:
PRCalDude wrote:
Good article:
How does that go again? Oh yeah, “Nothing wrong with Islam. Move along.”
Did I get it right, Lix? [/quote]
I was talking about the US military base in Guantanamo Bay. Wear glasses, old man.
I found it quite ironic that the author of “The New Anti-Semitism” (or, how the world is out to get the Jews - once again!), and one that fervently argues for gender equality would turn out to be a bigot. But then I read this piece by her.
Poor soul should be looking for a shrink.
Man, Muslims are, like, evil man. I know! They blew up the WTC, man. They’re ALL evil man. Damn AY-rabs are behind terror, man. Damn PC police won’t let me say this in the real world, so thank Jesus for the internet where I can speak THE TRUTH, man!
[quote]Gambit_Lost wrote:
Man, Muslims are, like, evil man. I know! They blew up the WTC, man. They’re ALL evil man. Damn AY-rabs are behind terror, man. Damn PC police won’t let me say this in the real world, so thank Jesus for the internet where I can speak THE TRUTH, man! [/quote]
Get off my lawn!
It would seem that dysLixy is claiming more personal experience as a Muslim wife than Ms Chesler.
Do share.
Maybe he just found out she invested all their money with Madoff.
[quote]DrSkeptix wrote:
It would seem that dysLixy is claiming more personal experience as a Muslim wife than Ms Chesler.
Do share.[/quote]
Ms Chesler was a Muslim wife. What fun!
Edit: gross - [quote]I saw how polygamous, arranged marriages and child brides led to chronic female suffering and to rivalry between co-wives and half-brothers; how the subordination and sequestration of women led to a profound estrangement between the sexes ? one that led to wife-beating, marital rape and to a rampant but hotly denied male ?prison?-like homosexuality and pederasty; how frustrated, neglected and uneducated women tormented their daughter-in-laws and female servants; how women were not allowed to pray in mosques or visit male doctors (their husbands described the symptoms in their absence). [/quote]