Hi All! I’ve been lurking in the forums reading for quite some time now, but I have been fairly silent, working on the old adage that if you don’t know what you’re talking about, shut-up, and go lift more weights.
Having read so much good advice on here, I wonder if anyone would be able to offer me some on a problem I am having with my workouts. Mainly, I have a major problem with pectoral strength (it seems to be a genetic flaw), and it leaves my bench fairly unbalanced.
I realize that I could just keep benching and eventually the problem will rectify itself, but I was wondering if there is anything I could do to help kick them into working harder.
Lately, I have been trying to pre-exhaust my shoulders through overheads and pushpress before I bench, but I’m not sure if I’m helping things, or screwing myself over by lowering the top-end lifts of my bench (my shoulders and triceps are too pooched to push at 80-85% after pre-exhaustion)
Any thoughts, guys?
For the record, I’m 25, 6’, and 220lbs. I focus mostly on legs, which has given me a 405 squat and a 385 DL, but have a shitty little 225lb bench (I know, I know…I’m a wimp)
I do everything raw, though I have been considering buying a belt for my top end squats, and I train with power-lifting in mind, rather than body-building (translation: I have a gut )
Thanks guys, and keep up the great advice!