Getting ready to start my first cycle:
10 weeks long
Deca 300mg/week
Test 250mg every 5 days
Note: The Test is test enan. and prop. blend called Aratest 2500.
My problem is I can’t find any clomid or nolva. A guy that I talk to regularly said that he’s pretty sure that clomid and nolva are not controlled substances, so there shouldn’t be any problems ordering it from another country (I live in the US). But I don’t want to order it and have it seized by customs or get into any legal trouble for it.
Can anyone tell me if these are controlled substances or not? Having a little trouble finding out this info elsewhere.
And don’t worry, I don’t plan on even starting my cycle until I have all PCT or anti-e’s in hand.
Do a google search for a product called aromabolan. It is the p.s equivalent of formestane which is legal and more effective for maintaining gains post cycle. It is a sterile product and should be injected intramuscularly even though the site can’t tell you to do this. If I lived in the states I would buy as much as I could while you still can.
I checked out the Aromabolan P.C.T. that you spoke of and I can’t seem to find it anywhere cheaper than $60 a bottle.
My question is: How often do you have to inject, if I choose to try this method instead of a more traditional PCT approach.
The label instruction say to orally ingest 1 mL 2-3x per week. If that’s the case, then a $60 bottle should last me about 3.5-5 weeks.
However, if the half-life is too short, I would think you have to inject it at least every day, which means a bottle would last 10 days, so my PCT is gonna cost me like another $120-$180.
Do you personally have any experience injecting this product, or is this just something you heard or read about recently? I’m kind of hesitant about injecting stuff that “isn’t suppossed to be injected.”
I just spent a lot of time searching the US FDA website for any and all controlled substance lists.
I found several controlled substances lists, and as you may have guessed, there were a ton of steroids listed, but I was unable to find any reference anywhere regarding clomid (clomiphene citrate) or Nolvadex (tamoxifen).
If any of you guys get to search and find anything, please post the link on this thread.
Here is the link for the site, but like I said, I couldn’t find anything:
PCT using aromabolan is as follows:
1ml (200mg formestane acetate) EOD for 19 days (1 whole bottle) (IM inj preffered but orally would still work)
As you may have read this stuff is mildly anabolic,increases IGF-1 production, decreases the number of progesterone receptors and increases HPTA function as well as clomid and hcg combined while inhibiting 91.9 of aromatase enzyme production. This is the best substance for PCT I have ever heard of. All of this information is from Author L. Rea’s book building the perfect beast. While I have not used it myself I do plan on trying to acquire some during my next trip to the states. As far as tamoxifen or clomiphene citrate not being on the controlled substance list, they would still get nabbed in customs. If they can’t tell the difference between a 5lb jug of protein powder and a vial of test enthanate how are they going to know that neither clomid or nolvadex are not on the list?
I appreciate the input. Actually, I recently ordered Chemical Muscle Enhancement I and Building the Perfect Beast (which is part II) and expect it to be arriving anywhere in the next few days.
I am anxious to read what L. Rea has to say about Aromabolan. If he endorses it as highly as you do, I may just have to give up on Clomid or Nolva and stick with this, as it is legal, for now.
And EOD injections of Aromabolan don’t sound too bad. Do I just use the same standard size dart for the injection (ie 22g 1.5") or would it require a larger gauge?
For anyone else reading this thread, I looked into the advice from turbo and checked out a website that sells Aromabolan and had some nice info about it.
I found some nice little charts that compare some of the aromatase inhibitors (arimidex, letrozole, exemestane). The first chart shows the % of aromatase inhibition, and the second chart shows how the substance affects IGF-1 production.
I think I’m putting my money on Letrozole for the anti-e and probably Nolvadex for the PCT. Thanks to all who provided some feedback on this thread.
WHile the Aromabolan (Formestane) seems like a very worthwhile product, I hear much better things about most of the others. Also, I hear that frequent injections of Formestane can be excruciatingly painful. Any one else care to comment???
You pretty much have found your way. Letrozole is the newest and best aromatase inhibitor (meaning most effective with the least amount of negative side effects) Nolvadex has been found to be a cheap but formidable alternative to using clomid for pct.
While Letrozole may be the best as far as % aromatase inhibition, aromabolan (formestane) has other effects on hpta other than just suppression of estrogen conversion that help bring back natural testosterone production. Interestingly, according to medical research, those added effects only occur when the substance is taken orally, not by IM injection. However, from experience it both tastes really bad (I have to wait several hours between taking 0.02 ml each time) and it hurts to inject IM. In addition, Aromabolan gave me a strong reaction when I injected only 0.01 ml, just to check it out. It was sort of a “rush” sensation. I’m going to put it in juice and take it orally from now on… In a big glass of juice, it doesn’t taste too bad. That way, I also get the positive HPTA effects.
On your other issue regarding importing prescription drugs… Steroids are schedule III controlled substances in the US, thanks to the sports & religious lobbies (even though most are safer than asprin or sugar for adults). If there is a copy of your prescription and a statement in the shipment from you that it is for personal use, etc., It won’t be siezed. Clomid and Tamoxifen / Nolvadex are not controlled to the same degree and those drugs are much less frequently siezed. Some pharmacies have doctors that will issue you a prescription and enclose it with the order. If you do a google search on any of them, you’ll find lots of sources, some good. Example: one good source sells Tamoxifen for $40 for 100 20 mg. tabs. So, it is 40? per tab and Arimidex is $4.08 per 1 mg. tab and Letrozole is $2.62 per 2.5 mg. tab. I guess Aromabolan is $6.00 per dose if it costs %60 per bottle. So for pure aromatase inhibition, Letrozole is by far the cheapest! You’re right on.
[quote]belieus wrote:
On your other issue regarding importing prescription drugs… Steroids are schedule III controlled substances in the US, thanks to the sports & religious lobbies (even though most are safer than asprin or sugar for adults). If there is a copy of your prescription and a statement in the shipment from you that it is for personal use, etc., It won’t be siezed. B[/quote]
It definately will be seized. You cannot import them under any circumstances. Personal 90 day supplies, personal use notes, and/or doctors prescriptions do not apply to the importation of steroids.