46 newbie 1ml twice week test 250/test 400 mixed so 2 ml twice a week. I may up test to 1.5 twice a week . I’m on week 3 should I run tamoxifen 1/2 20 mg so 10mg and if so when and how much? Can I take 1/2 ? When should I start ? How often ? I’m going 12 weeks test only? Newbie
How many mg of test per week total are you injecting and what ester? That is the only information we need and I’m not smart enough to decode that info from your initial post.
You start tamoxifen approximately 3 weeks after your last pin (if your test ester is cypionate or enanthate). The typical PCT is 40mg/day of Tamoxifen for two weeks then 20mg/day for two more weeks.
500mg/wk. 50/50 of test 400 /test e 250 I do this to reduce the pip from t400. Going 12 weeks.
Your method to reduce PIP is sound but your math is not. Just an FYI. Your blend has a concentration of 325mg/ml. It’s hard to decipher what the volume per week is you’re taking but it sounds like 2ml total, split into 1ml injections ea. That would be 650mg per week, just an FYI.
Your are correct this approach was suggested to me Pinning 0.8 mL twice a week would get me to 480 mg/wk. with the test 400/test 250 it was easier just to say 50/50 but yes I pin slightly less of the test 400 it’s working great for pip dang my head hurts now math but you caught that and that why I ask questions here because of the experience and sound advice thank you @blshaw
tbh I hate posts like these.
Don’t make me do the math for you. If you don’t know how much you’re taking, you shouldn’t have been taking it in the first place.
What’s your plan to get your HPTA to restart once you PCT? It sounds like you’re just waiting for your natural production to kick up on it’s own… at 46 years old.
I had done the math I just didn’t break it down for this post but thank you for caring enough to correct me💪🏼 also my plan for pct is tamoxifen. I don’t pretend to know anything I simply ask as ridiculous as it may be I’m on cycle I have a reliable source giving me all kinds of advice but I kinda snooped around this site and welp I thought it would be a good place to ask newbie questions and get direction. 2nd /3rd opinions in my years have always proven to be helpful. I gather info and make a decision. I’m here to learn and get direction. I have had a few suggested plans Tamoxifen for two weeks then 20mg/day for two more weeks. Original question on this post was suggestions for pct on tamoxifen .
Well, right. Tamoxifen helps prevent the conversion of T to E, but it does not do anything to restart your balls. Tamox is best run on cycle and during PCT just to manage estrogen.
HCG can get your balls working again, or just giving them time to come back on their own works too - it’s just riskier and makes your whole blast look kinda pointless to go weeks of low test for mild cycle gains.
I’m surprised you didn’t just go the TRT route tbh.
I didn’t qualify for trt I’m over 400 I had labs done and welp Kaiser sucks
Check Defy Medical if you’re cool with spending about $1500 a year on doing it legit.
Or if you don’t care about that, just do it yourself for a lot less money… I wouldn’t cycle off if I were in your shoes.
Keep your test around 100-150 for typical TRT, or run it as high as you want so long as you don’t need AI. But cycling off when you were already having hypogondal symptoms is not something I would advise.
never had symptoms just told doc I did to push trt but that didn’t work but I really appreciate your advice. I coulda done more research for months but welp I have pct on hand and anything else I may need readily available from my guy but I also will consider staying on longer if need be
Okay well to address your OP, tamoxifen is better at managing estrogen when it’s in your system prior to your blast, but again it doesn’t really do much for your PCT other than estrogen management.
I’ve seen all of the following regarding dosages for PCT Tamox:
all of them ‘work’.
I believe Tamoxifen inhibits the pituitary glands ability to sense estrogen. When that happens the pituitary cranks up LH production which signals the testicles to produce testosterone. LH and HCG are very similar in the male body.
I would use HCG during the bridge between the cycle and PCT. I’d probably do 500 IU EOD for 3 weeks. Then I’d use Tamoxifen for 6 weeks at roughly 20 mg/day. I’d probably only use 10 mg/day for the last two weeks. What I’d do, not medical advice.
I was going off this
It didn’t give much for numbers, at least not the version of I that I can see.
You may be right here. The study shows 20/day for 10 days.
So confused. You want to run 10mg of Nolva during your cycle? Why? Are you experiencing gyno?
From what I’ve heard, if you want to use nolva for estrogen mitigation, you’re better off doing it at the start of a cycle - before your first pin. The irony being that you need to know if you need estrogen control before taking it, and then trying to find out the dosage.
Anabolic Doc had a video explaining it far better than I could. At least I think it was him…
No I’m asking when I should run tamoxifen how much and how long I’ve had a few answers and one of them said run during im confused
I’m not experiencing anything I just started bought 3 weeks into test only cycle
I’m still confused; do you mean on the cycle or during PCT? Can you clarify please