I used to be deep into Paul Chek’s stuff when I was a teenager just getting into physical training, but outgrew it when I became more scientifically-minded. I still think a lot of his stuff is useful- he’s intellectually and philosophically stimulating if nothing else- but it appears that he has now gone completely off the deep end.
Here are some quotes I pulled off his site:
“As part of their training, I performed a Native American drum circle ceremony with them, as well as taking them on a sound journey with Tibetan bowls. This type of ceremony is frequently quite profound for people and experiencing past lives is not uncommon.”
“I perform remote viewing on planet earth from outer space. Remote viewing is a technique that about 6% of human beings can do. I’m one of them. I detach my consciousness from my body and through the zero point field (space), I can migrate my vision to any time~space location and see what is there. I often use this technique to come visit my plants when I’m on the road. I also use it to check in on people when I’m feeling that they may need my help. I actually won the grand prize at the Living The Field conference a few years ago where a remote viewing instructor from the CIA did a training program for about 750 of us. It was a bit of a surprise for my friends Matthew and Emma, who previously didn’t realize I could do this. Now you do know!”
“In my recording, What Color Is Your Jesus, I make it clear that Jesus is ALL-WAYS coming back every moment, AS YOU!”
“When you die, you do not “go” anywhere but into your self, which is the journey into your true nature, or SELF.”
“Those that have ignored the obvious for selfish reasons will, by the Law of Attraction, be reborn into this very planetary sphere to become part of what you would know of as the clean-up crew.”
Is this as nutty as it sounds or am I just being closed-minded and judgemental?
After reading his quotes and his website and everything I can only be lead to believe that he uses remote viewing to look at chicks in the shower and crap. He’s the perfect candidate for bein’ that type of creepy guy. I like to read his articles and pick and take what I think is useful but he weirds me out.
If I go to someone for help with a shoulder impingement, and he pulls out a drum, we’re gonna have issues.
More to the point, look at the photos he has from when he was like seven years old, and already had a six-pack. He’s a literal genetic freak. Anything he did probably would have worked for him, which makes me question whether it would work for anyone else.
[i]"The average human being should pass about twelve inches of well-formed, not foul smelling, fluffy, easy to pass, light brown, earthy-smelling stool per day, if you’ve got a normal bowel.
You can poop three four-inchers, two six-inchers, or one great big one; it doesn’t really matter. You should have a minimum of one really healthy bowel movement a day.
Right now the average American is having a bowel movement once every two to three days. The worst we’ve ever seen here at my institute is a patient who was having a bowel movement once every thirty days. "[/i]
[quote]thomas.galvin wrote:
If I go to someone for help with a shoulder impingement, and he pulls out a drum, we’re gonna have issues.
More to the point, look at the photos he has from when he was like seven years old, and already had a six-pack. He’s a literal genetic freak. Anything he did probably would have worked for him, which makes me question whether it would work for anyone else.[/quote]
He has a pretty impressive physique for a guy his age and does pretty cool little feats of strength here and there, like clean and pressing a 160 dumbell and split jerkin that 6’8" 240 dude over his head. But you’re right, the dude is just hard wired for liftin’ weights and crap like that.
The thing that sets it off for me are his clients. None of them look even remotely impressive and you never see any pics of his athletes doing any feats of strength, just feats of balance I guess you could call it. He trains Mike Modano (sp?) from the Dallas Starz who I hear is a good hockey player (I don’t follow hockey too much) but from what I’ve seen isn’t a bulldozer on the ice and from pics I’ve seen has an average at best physique.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
In the 1970’s the CIA ran a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park CA to determine whether remote viewing might have any significance to intelligence work. This program ran for about 20 years.
[quote]thomas.galvin wrote:
If I go to someone for help with a shoulder impingement, and he pulls out a drum, we’re gonna have issues.
More to the point, look at the photos he has from when he was like seven years old, and already had a six-pack. He’s a literal genetic freak. Anything he did probably would have worked for him, which makes me question whether it would work for anyone else.[/quote]
I know where he is coming from. I often channel my inner space ship, and travel to mars to visit aliens. We then have conversations on the earthlings bowels.
T-Nation published a couple of his articles- he seemed to have some good ideas.
And if you’ve ever done Berardi’s Massive Eating, you know how good it feels to be passing a foot of shit per day. Every day.
That said… drum circle? I can kinda get used to Poliquin having his athletes lie down on a thick dowel and visualize their workout before they do it. But… drum circle?
I think we’re looking for strength training, and Chek is into body-mind-spirit healing.
[quote]Loose Tool wrote:
[i]"The average human being should pass about twelve inches of well-formed, not foul smelling, fluffy, easy to pass, light brown, earthy-smelling stool per day, if you’ve got a normal bowel.
You can poop three four-inchers, two six-inchers, or one great big one; it doesn’t really matter. You should have a minimum of one really healthy bowel movement a day.
Right now the average American is having a bowel movement once every two to three days. The worst we’ve ever seen here at my institute is a patient who was having a bowel movement once every thirty days. "[/i]
Seriously though, what is up with these people that are obsessed with the size and ultimate frequency of shits. Yes, I understand that normal people should shit once a day or what not and constipation is not healthy, but there are health nuts out there measuring shits.
Talking about the size of their four year olds shits, and how we should all be shitting giantly. Three times a fucking day. Dude, if I shit that much I wouldn’t even have a job. Unless I made my job to shit, and unfortunately I’ve seen people succeed at this.
People who shit constantly live to 101! Yes, they shit their pants, and people have to change them assface. I sentence this prick to change the pants of all the people who shit constantly. Maybe he will change his shit to a healthy tune.
I wouldn’t say that he’s a genetic freak; he has his pet exercises which he’s good at but he can’t squat for toffee, not that he cares I guess.
My problem is with his disciples; they seem to think a supine 1 arm Db press on a swiss ball with a 25lb Db is impressive!
I’ve actually spoken to him about this but he doesn’t want to discuss it. CHEK practitioners pay thousands of dollars to get certified and from what I see end up with very little in the way of real world knowledge.
I think I might be in for a kicking now; just remember to drawer your belly button in first:)
[quote]AssClown wrote:
After reading his quotes and his website and everything I can only be lead to believe that he uses remote viewing to look at chicks in the shower and crap. He’s the perfect candidate for bein’ that type of creepy guy. I like to read his articles and pick and take what I think is useful but he weirds me out.[/quote]
Remote viewers will tell you it’s the only thing you can’t see:
naked people or folks having sex. Supposedly people will create a “shield” subconsciously at that moment. I shit you not.
The spirit realm is obviously catholic.