Pathways Test Is Removed from the Body

I cannot find this information googling around.

High TRT of 300mg per week - feeling like I am on a placibo or something.

I still do not need to shave every day, strength is pretty darn good but the mental aspects are not there in the same way they were in the beginning.

I understand that some converts to Estrodial and another enzyme shuttles T to the liver to be removed and that before any of those actions take place the ester must be removed.

I am a fairly lean guy, 5’ 9" 190 and I cannot figure out where the T is going, what I am doing wrong. I take .5 Arimidex weekly, tried herbs to promote ‘free’ test and over the counter products to prevent conversion etc. Stopped all, doubled all…there seems to be some other factor at work, say Cortisol? Does it eat up testosterone ? I bet I have a lot of that.

I am getting my levels checked this week - that will end the mystery, would have checked them last week while doing blood work but the GP refused.


Oh well here is a HUGE one that I was able to google:
The major catabolic effects of cortisol involve its facilitating the conversion of protein in muscles and connective tissue into glucose and glycogen (cortisol may increase liver glycogen). Gluconeogenesis involves both the increased degradation of protein already formed and the decreased synthesis of new protein. Cortisol can also decrease the utilization of glucose by cells by directly inhibiting glucose transport into the cells (1). A cortisol excess can also lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Cortisol also reduces the utilization of amino acids for protein formation in muscle cells. A cortisol excess can lead to a progressive loss of protein, muscle weakness and atrophy, and loss of bone mass through increased calcium excretion and less calcium absorption. That is one of the reasons long-distance runners tend to have skinny physiques. With the amount of stress that runners place on their bodies, they have high levels of free radicals as well as cortisol. Excess cortisol can also adversely affect tendon health. Cortisol causes a redistribution of bodyfat to occur through an unknown mechanism. Basically, the extremities lose fat and muscle while the trunk and face become fatter. Some of the signs of overtraining include higher cortisol levels, which may cause depression-type effects. Cortisol excess can also lead to hypertension because it causes sodium retention (which can make you appear bloated) and potassium excretion. In other words, excessively high cortisol levels may turn you into a girly man! So the real challenge becomes how can cortisol levels be controlled but not inhibited completely because of cortisol’s necessary anti-inflammatory effects?

read up on adrenal fatigue

As a rule of thumb, anastrozole requirements are 1.0mg/week per 100mg test ester per week. You might be suffering from estrogen poisoning.

[quote]KSman wrote:
As a rule of thumb, anastrozole requirements are 1.0mg/week per 100mg test ester per week. You might be suffering from estrogen poisoning.[/quote]

Thanks I am getting blood tests tomorrow. I stopped arimidex when I lost my libido and it seemed like it came back. I also thought I could use nip sensitivity to know if I was not taking enough.

If I was drowning in estrogen wouldnt I have the nip issue ? Back in december I noticed they were a little busy so I took an over the counter and then arimidex and it only came back a bit when I stopped arimidex to see if libido came back. My nip sensitivity just means they are erect without being naked in a cool breeze, not that they were sore or heading down the gyno path. It has never been that bad.

Thanks…cant wait to get my Estrodial numbers.

[quote]HiredGun wrote:

[quote]KSman wrote:
As a rule of thumb, anastrozole requirements are 1.0mg/week per 100mg test ester per week. You might be suffering from estrogen poisoning.[/quote]

Thanks I am getting blood tests tomorrow. I stopped arimidex when I lost my libido and it seemed like it came back. I also thought I could use nip sensitivity to know if I was not taking enough.

If I was drowning in estrogen wouldnt I have the nip issue ? Back in december I noticed they were a little busy so I took an over the counter and then arimidex and it only came back a bit when I stopped arimidex to see if libido came back. My nip sensitivity just means they are erect without being naked in a cool breeze, not that they were sore or heading down the gyno path. It has never been that bad.

Thanks…cant wait to get my Estrodial numbers.[/quote]

You will only have nipple issues if you are genetically predetermined to gyno. I have used high quantities of test - with no AI and had no nipple sensitivity or gyno but had certainly noticed the other effects of high estrogen