Passing out in cut?

When I’m in a mild deficit I sometimes find I have issues with passing out. Particularly, if I stand up too fast or I do a heavy overhead movement it can fade to black and I’ll start wobbling around and eventually fall over. It can manifest less significantly as a sort of “tingling” tiredness, a real feeling of weakness.

This never happens when I’m in a surplus, and I’m pretty sure it’s related based on the data I have from over the years.

My blood pressure isn’t low when I feel weak, as a blood pressure cuff shows. Iron levels, potassium, B-vitamins, calc/mag/sodium are all definitely in check based on supplements I take and I drink a lot of water. Is there something silly I might be missing?

What does your carb intake look like?

Are you taking any meds?

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Given you’re taking in less food, there’s a fair chance your electrolytes are lower than normal, which, with a LOT of water, means there is a fair chance you’re flushing out what little you have. When I reduce my food intake, I have fewer opportunities to take in salt, so I have to aggressively salt my food.

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This looks like an easy check off.

To @Intermediate It isn’t often stated, but you cannot be hydrated without sufficient electrolytes.

I believe there is a Biotest opportunity to offer a sugar and sweetener free electrolyte powder. I, at one time, could get an electrolyte powder by the pound from the pharmacy. It tasted very similar to sweat.


Electrolytes are the first thing I’d rule out as well


They offer ElitePro minerals, which, I suppose, if you really wanted to, you could grind up into a powder.

Surge has some too, but that does have sugar in it.

Oh I’m huge into potassium citrate, I get about 60% RDA on that just from supplementation. Magnesium calcium and definitely sodium I should be good based on my multivitamin and general intake.

My carb intake is definitely on the lower end. Is that likely serious?

Carbs are what hold in these electrolytes. It’s why “keto flu” is a thing. RDAs are silly low, especially for hard training athletes.

This came to mind for me because I was on a beta blocker and vasodilator. This combo would cause problems at the same times as described.

Bracing (like for a lift) helped a lot for standing, but for lifting it was important to just have a clear landing spot.

This has me skeptical though. A lot of what you’ve described sounds like a side effect of potassium citrate when described as being used as a medication .

I’d eliminate that unless its a prescribed medication and get rda of potassium from regular food.


I would guess not as I would need to be consuming on the order of ~20 grams of potassium a day as opposed to the 3 grams I’m supplementing with.

That is unless someone’s been sneaking a lot of bananas into my food.

Only meds I take are good old fashioned Ritalin which I’ve been on since Bush was in office

What does this mean?

Potassium citrate is not all potassium.

There is a citrate component.

And it also appears to function as a diuretic.

Dude the citrate component has a far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far higher intake requirement for it to be toxic than the potassium which causes hyperalkemia and which I am also far from being able to reach. The potassium supplementation is also something that I haven’t always done while cutting so if you really need the differential you have it so you can stop fixating on it.

Ok smart guy. You’re the one thats fucked up. I’m pointing out some overlap in what you’re doing vs. What is happening.

Good luck. :+1:


Dude I don’t fucking care, stop. I’ve already done far more research into this than the 15 minutes you spent tryna gotcha me with this. It’s 60% of the RDA, I don’t care, why do you, go away

For anyone else reading who thinks I’m being harsh, I know he was at one point trying to help, but he won’t drop it, and I honestly don’t want to write a book report for him on why one of the most common potassium supplements on the market isn’t toxic at low doses in a heavy man.

Please fucking Google the units in the links you’re using too, you don’t seem to understand what you’re talking about at all

You think THAT was an attempt at gotcha?

You’re a fucking retard.

Why would you send me a link that you clearly haven’t read. Was there even the vaguest inkling of a thought that a medical dosage of potassium citrate would be different than a standard supplement?

Like did you make the first comment realize you were wrong and double down or did you genuinely not understand the units in the links or what?


I understand the mEq just fine. And I read the links thoroughly. But there’s a hit counter that says maybe you havent.

You’re very good at reading too deep into things and assigning motives which you aren’t aware of, I’ll give you that.

Are you always this aggressively defensive, or just with strangers on the internet?

So how many mg of potassium citrate do you think those doses are equivalent to? Like what actual fucking number? Say the number, how many GRAMS are toxic…

I’m this aggressive when people play bullshit games with me. This is why I don’t otherwise use social media.

Find it yourself, dumbass.