[quote]Brad61 wrote:
I was just reading the Copland articles where the author recommeded using palm strikes to the nose, chin, sternum, solar plexus, in a street fight. (the other techniques he recommended were leg sweeps and a lateral choke, none of which were fully explained).
ANYWAY this palm strike idea seems to run counter to my first instinct: to clench my fists and sock somebody. What’s the logic behind the palm strike? I can only guess that you’d avoid broken knuckles/broken fingers, and also maybe a clenched fist tends to tighten up your whole upper body, when you need to be loose and fluid.
I’d especially appreciate hearing comments from the cops, bouncers, MMA, streetfighters, military personnel etc… What works? What do you use?[/quote]
Hi Brad,
As with just about anything in regards to combat, the answer is almost always, “it depends on the situation”. Personally I much rather prefer to throw palms rather than punches if I’ve got a guy mounted.
Sure, they may not do as much damage to the guy as closed fist punches.But, keep in mind that unlike MMA events where the fighters are on a padded area, in the street you may find yourself on pavement. Which, if you miss the guy’s head (he moves his head, bridges at the right moment, etc…) you can most definetely wind up with a broken hand.
Of course maybe you’re a tough SOB, and/or you’re adrenaline is cranking so you don’t feel too much pain. But you’re still operating with one less weapon than you could be.
The other thing you need to take into consideration is that like SlimJim pointed out, MMA fighters wear gloves. In fact, the whole idea of padding the hands with gloves is to protect them from being broken. It still happens though, even to professional boxers/MMA fighters.
So, to assume that you are at the point where you don’t have to worry about missing and hitting the wrong part of your opponent’s anatomy, or some other unforgiving surface is a little silly if you ask me.
Good training,