Paleo Recipe Books?

Yo guys,

My new girlfriend reacts pretty badly to wheat. I don’t know if it’s the gluten, the FODMAPs or what, but in practical terms it makes no difference.

So it’s all paleo in my pantry from now on.

Apart from Marks Daily Apple and Chris Kesser I’m sort of at a loss for inspiration so if any of you know any (free - I’m cheap) ebooks or decent websites, blogs or whatever for paleo or at the very least gluten/FODMAP free recipes then I’d appreciate the input.

Thanks guys

[quote]Yogi wrote:
Yo guys,

My new girlfriend reacts pretty badly to wheat. I don’t know if it’s the gluten, the FODMAPs or what, but in practical terms it makes no difference.

So it’s all paleo in my pantry from now on.

Apart from Marks Daily Apple and Chris Kesser I’m sort of at a loss for inspiration so if any of you know any (free - I’m cheap) ebooks or decent websites, blogs or whatever for paleo or at the very least gluten/FODMAP free recipes then I’d appreciate the input.

Thanks guys[/quote]

Hey boss.

My girlfriend and I are about 85-90 percent Paleo (I believe in the basics, just don’t think one has to be a zealot about it). I’m more of a “creator” in the kitchen myself, but she likes having a recipe to follow, so we’ve used the following Paleo cookbooks for inspiration:

  • Well Fed
  • Well Fed 2
  • Zenbelly

I also have gotten recipes online from Primal Palate and PaleOMG.

That’s what I got off the top of my head.

Not strictly Paleo, but thenourishingcook site has a lot of recipes from The Nourishing Traditions cookbook. It’s very Weston A. Price influenced, so most of the recipes should work for gluten sensitive people.

From personal experience, 21 Sugar Detox Cookbook by Sanfilippo, my gf cannot reccomended it enough. As an end user, or should I say consumer, this is the shizzel mate. It also allows you to choose meals based on whatever strand of paleo you suscribe to, e.g. strict non diary, no nightshades etc. You can find it on amazon uk.

thanks guys, keep em coming

Here’s an example of PaleOMG fabulousness…

The Paleo Slow Cooker by Arsy Vartanian.