Pain while squatting

Ok i squat wide i think im finally starting to get beat up by it. First i thought it was my it bands. I was doing a shit load of foam rolling on them but that didnt help. I then started to do alot of hip mobility 2x a day. Still pain. The pain is in or near the hole. Its like the back of my thigh by my hips and the whole lower outer thigh.

So last night i tried some squats a little wider than shoulder width with 135 and i actually spread my knees apart and sat back and it felt pretty good no pain.

When i squat wide i didnt have to spread my knees as they couldnt really have spread out any further.

Whats your take on this do you think im just getting really beat up from wide squats?

And- has anyone had to come in closer do to this problem and lost weight on their squat?

I was thinking about doing wide squats as assistance on week 1 and 3 of my training and for the time being pull my squat in for now?

I had to narrow my stance a bit when I ran Smolov. My hips just got beat to shit. An inch here or there won’t impact your strength that much but it can make a big difference in how beat up you get. I’d play with your stance and go with whatever works to let you train more.

Actually it’s my upper thigh more than lower.

I’m gonna do my 531 tonight slightly wider than shoulder width. Im gonna give caution though. Thanks

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
I’d play with your stance and go with whatever works to let you train more. [/quote]

This is the best advice you could possibly get. It’s easy to get sucked into what people say is the “right” way to lift, but there is only the way that lets you lift the most weight without getting hurt. If wide bugs your hips and narrow doesn’t, squat narrow.

Thanks guys. What if im weak as shit this way? Just have to build up a guess lol

So i brough my feet in maybe 4-6 inches on each side today for squats. It felt really good. I actually managed to put up better numbers today. I think im stronger this way. Im gonna give it a few weeks and try my goal raw at 198 525 lb squat. Ill post a vid hit or miss thanks for all the help and support guys

[quote]jkondash89 wrote:
So i brough my feet in maybe 4-6 inches on each side today for squats. It felt really good. I actually managed to put up better numbers today. I think im stronger this way. Im gonna give it a few weeks and try my goal raw at 198 525 lb squat. Ill post a vid hit or miss thanks for all the help and support guys [/quote]

Good on you man. Any time I do too much wide stance work (whether it be squatting or sumo deadlifting) my hips can only take it for so long before they become the limiting factor; so now I generally don’t deadlift often, except leading up to a competition, and squat with a “medium” stance, that is pretty even in how much it hit quads, hammies, hips and glutes. That’s what has been working for me anyways.