[quote]humble wrote:
Yep you can take a 1 day course and you’re a qualified pad holder, start ripping dumb cunts in offices 60-100 an hour for training and you’re a machine gun pad holder.
Before you think I am slagging MMA in general, I am not. I don’t mind it, I enjoy it at times too but I thoroughly hate the bullshit that it has also spread with it’s popularity and the injustice it has done to stand up arts.
My main beef is with pad holding.
More and more have I noticed that people don’t hit pads any more. They actually have their pad holders hit their gloves. They barely move their arms and legs with true technique to hit a target, rather the ‘pad holder’ throws out and catches the gloves. Pad holder gets more of a work out and the sound of machine gun rattatatat as the fighter hits pads makes them look like they’re decent stand up fighters.
Big Fucken LOL.
Before you get your knickers in a knot, I understand the concept of catching a punch or kick but what is now happening is a joke. Pad holders are meeting the trainee 1/4 of the distance through the trainees technique. What you have is short, ineffective, bullshit technique that cannot be applied at all in any fight scenario, even in close range fighting because the mechanics are completely out!
So fuck you MMA popularity. You’re making stand up look bad, spreading bigger bullshit with your hocus pocus pad work sessions and your fighters are countable on one hand that actually have decent stand up. Holy shit that’s some bad numbers. All the world MMA pool and you can count the decent stand up guys on one hand.
Oh sorry, I know the answer… yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to concentrate so much on not being taken down. I get it. Same excuse every time so that justifies the dog shit stand up work in MMA.
No one can watch any MMA guy or girl punch pads for hours because their is no art or beauty, skill or technique in what they do. So we have trumped up highlight reels from fucked up camera angles to hide their flaws. Documentaries that jump from scene to scene, mixed with music to arouse, angles to please and imagery to excite all because they lack the skill to properly display a still camera view of a guys technique.
One that comes to mind is when they were heralding Jake Shields as working on his stand up when he fought St Pierre. LMMAAAOO, that camera work hahahah, those snippets… poor guy still looked like dog shit in the doco’s.
Anyway, rant over. [/quote]
Sorry, but plenty of guys were ripping fools off for some cardio kickboxing long before MMA came onto the scene. It’s not like they invented it. You do seem to have quite a lot of pent up anger towards MMA though, it doesn’t mean your pretty ass striking wouldn’t get you taken down and pounded out by some bloke with dog shit stand up