Yea my friend bought P90X and I did a work out and I think that guy is a complete douche!!! I guess the work is good but still if I see that guy I wanna punch him in the face…haa just wanted to know what u guys think about it…
Lol… Sally Balls.
[quote]sallyballs959 wrote:
Yea my friend bought P90X and I did a work out and I think that guy is a complete douche!!! I guess the work is good but still if I see that guy I wanna punch him in the face…haa just wanted to know what u guys think about it…[/quote]
Say…you’re kinda new around these parts, arentcha?
So, uh, I’m guessing he didn’t call you for a second date? Yeah, what a douche.
I personally don’t like P90X. The only P90 I approve of is the FN P90.
[quote]Mettahl wrote:
Lol… Sally Balls.[/quote]
^^ x2
I think that’s what Yates used to do during his Olympia Preps,… seriously hardcore, you may not be ready for it yet.
I wasn’t impressed by it.
Has anyone actually tried it? I think it’s a lot like Crossfit, in that it’s fun to make fun of it. Truth be told, it’s probably a lot more organized, and a lot harder than what 90% of gym goers are currently doing. High intensity, lots of compound movements with minimal equipment requirements, a lot of variety, planned back off weeks, etc.
Is it the best program out there? Not at all, unless if it gets you to do more than you currently are. There are far better BBing routines, PL routines, Strongman routines, etc. But it’s a hell of a lot better than wandering aimlessly around a commercial gym, doing a couple of machines, and then 30 minutes of steady state cardio.
So while it may not be popular here, I think it has it’s merits with the general population.
[quote]Modi wrote:
Has anyone actually tried it? I think it’s a lot like Crossfit, in that it’s fun to make fun of it. Truth be told, it’s probably a lot more organized, and a lot harder than what 90% of gym goers are currently doing. High intensity, lots of compound movements with minimal equipment requirements, a lot of variety, planned back off weeks, etc.
Is it the best program out there? Not at all, unless if it gets you to do more than you currently are. There are far better BBing routines, PL routines, Strongman routines, etc. But it’s a hell of a lot better than wandering aimlessly around a commercial gym, doing a couple of machines, and then 30 minutes of steady state cardio.
So while it may not be popular here, I think it has it’s merits with the general population.[/quote]
You do P90X don’t you? ADMIT IT!!!
Yeah I have nothing against it. Would I ever do it? Hell no. I had a friend do it and said it got pretty tough once you got into it.
lol yea he was a jerk he said he will call me back and i waited by my phone for 3 days and still no call…lmao
[quote]sallyballs959 wrote:
lol yea he was a jerk he said he will call me back and i waited by my phone for 3 days and still no call…lmao[/quote]
Must have been an important call.
i wouldn’t bother with it. seems like a beginners program.
[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
You do P90X don’t you? ADMIT IT!!!
Yeah I have nothing against it. Would I ever do it? Hell no. I had a friend do it and said it got pretty tough once you got into it.[/quote]
Lol. No way. Too hard for me. I’ll stick with my pilates.
Ive never done it, but it seems like it has some merit. One of my buddies is going to start doing it so Ill get to get some second-hand feedback on it from him. I think, just like any other workout style, as long as it gets people off their ass it cant be all bad. It may not put a ton of mass on people, but it preaches good dieting habits, flexibility, strength (even if a lot of its just bodyweight), and good cardiovascular health so its pointing in the right direction.
Say what you want about it, but its probably the best diet/exercise program that has ever been advertised on TV.
(I know that’s not saying much, but still.)
P90X has people sweating and working hard every day for 90 days… and people act like it’s some kind of miracle that people lose weight and get in better shape by doing this. Some of the people even manage to get stronger and build a little bit of muscle.
The only problem is, if you are so dumb that you wanted to change your body yet didn’t think to yourself “hm maybe I should just workout every day for a while”, and you needed an expensive program to trick you into doing it, then your sexy new body is probably going to get run over by a truck when you go frolicking out onto the highway chasing after a pretty butterfly.
Anything that gets people off the couch.
It’s better than nothing, I’ll give it that. I always heard it was like Crossfit Lite.
Mmm…Not for me. Probably because I’m not into boys.
I’ve known a few karate guys who do P90X as their “out of karate workout”, maybe like 5 of them.
Often they start it when they’re nursing an injury or something, like a sprained knee or when they’ve about recovered from a small muscle tear. Personally, I just hit the weights lighter on my injured part and do higher reps, but a few of the guys who I talk to regularly who do it swear by it. They’re not really big guys in a muscle sense, and are usually carrying around a couple extra lbs and, in some cases, are working 9-hour days. An excuse to miss the gym? No. An excuse to maybe take a little time to train at home and focus on bodyweight/light weights training and improve conditioning? Sure.
That said, 90 days later they’re back to normal, even with the injury, and are back down to a pretty good shape. I wouldn’t say that you have to be gay or a girl to do P90X, but just realize that you’re not gonna look like the guys in the commercial unless you do some real shredding before your photoshoots. You’ll lose weight, you’ll improve aerobic capacity, and to a certain extent you’ll get some extra muscle.
It’s what I would consider “athletic training” for people who aren’t actually athletes… If you’re a real athlete, you’re probably already getting this kind of training through practice and the weight room. If you want to be strong or HYOOGE, don’t do P90X. If you want to drop some weight, there are much worse ways to do it.
Me? I’ll stick to my 20 minutes of HIIT after each workout. Between that and the Anabolic Diet, my weight’s dropping like Paris Hilton’s panties in a coke house.