I have some oxandrolone that I want to run for a few weeks in addition to my TRT.
I have used it before and it helped put on lean mass fairly quickly, but after a
period of time I got some gyno symptoms and stopped taking it. I was running
oxandrolone at one 10mg tablet in the mornings.
My SHBG was 12.5 on the 16-55 range. And my estradiol was 17 on the 7-43 range.
However, I was doing Testosterone Propionate EOD and have recently discovered
that it must be done daily to maintain stable Test. levels.
My question is this: Would gyno occur with the above SHBG in relation to my estradiol being higher? Or, did that happen to me because my Test. levels tanked by doing the
shots EOD, causing a poor Test. to E2 ratio? I believe the latter was the case.
I plan on doing 10mg oxandrolone daily, solely for the purpose of increasing my Free
Testosterone levels due to dropping SHBG.
Anastrozole should not be necessary, correct?