Dependence on Oxandrolone?

Hi All.

I was prescribed 25 mg of Oxandrolone, once per day.

Doc suggested I take it Mon-Fri, then off on Saturday/Sunday.

I did this with my 120mg/week T injections. The results were great - better mood, better gym performance, better recovery, better looking, never tired, lot’s of energy.

Fast forward after about 12 weeks of using 25mg/day, Mon-Fri, I stopped and my world came crashing down. My energy slowly went away, I was always tired, the mood wasn’t as good as before. Keep in mind - doc said I can do this forever, long as I stay healthy and take the weekends off.

I am now about 2 months in without the Oxandrolone, only on 120mg/T per week, and still never felt as good as before starting the Oxandrolone.

Today I took 1 25 mg capsule, and I’m getting that good feeling again. More energy, better mental state, etc.

This stuff is coming from a reputable pharmacy, I doubt it’s anything but Oxandrolone.

Am I hooked for life? How come 2 months wasn’t enough to get back to “normal”? Anyone else feel this?

As a side note - a while back I was prescribed Nandrolone, took it for about 2 months and I felt absolutely AMAZING on it. The confidence, sense of well being, etc. were through the roof but ED kicked in and I stopped. Took like 2 months to fix the ED after stopping.

How did your lipids look?

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Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

IMO, at a dose of 120 mg/wk, one would be healthier upping that to the 200 mg/wk range (if they feel better there), than using 125 mg of Oxandrolone per week with 120 mg/wk of Test. Just my opinion.

From there (high end TRT that results in a TT of at least 1000 ng/dL average level), if we are going for performance, I would then move to a non-AAS PED. Something like GH to get to the top of the range. That will allow for better sleep (for most) and recovery. That should make you feel pretty good, if you are not overdoing it (which too much GH can make people tired).

Just my two cents.

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+1 to this opinion. Var wrecks everyone’s lipids


I believe we had a member here whos wife in her 70s was put on 10mg forever for health and it worked great.

Nonlinear dose response in many. If OP was diligent he could run the proper blood work and he would get some good info.

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was she on 10mg/wk forever leading up to her being in her 70’s, or was she prescribed it in her 70’s? big difference.

I also think women’s lower doses tend to help reduce the impact of var on lipids, compared to OP who was prescribed 2.5x more

Last half of this thread and linked threads therein.

My labs after 3 months of Oxandrolone

One more thing guys - I respond very quickly to any substance. For example with T, the first 2 days I used it I already felt the effects. So it’s no joke on the Oxandrolone effects coming in quickly within taking the first dose. The effect just compounds as I continue, of course.

What did you feel in the first two days with test? I’m wondering if there is a bit of a placebo effect going on. I actually don’t love the way I feel on Oxandrolone. I respond well to it physically, but I always feel better off of it. If you are a quick responder as you say, seemingly to a mental aspect, try replacing it with something more readily available such as a GH inducing peptide. Increasing your dose as @mnben87 has said might give you the feeling of confidence as well. There’s a reason some guys choose to pin every day vs 3x per week. The act of pinning makes them feel like they are getting the positive effects more rapidly, though the T levels aren’t that different. I think you might be having a similar response.


I don’t think we have enough information here to really give a good response. I pulled up some of your posting history, and I THINK I’m looking at pre-cycle bloodwork in a previous thread, but I’m not exactly sure. I’m also confused by what you said there vs here. In a previous thread, you were talking about an extended steroid cycle, without mention of a doctor’s recommendation. Here, you’re talkng about a ‘forever’ thing, and now you’re bringing up a doctor. I don’t think we’re getting the whole truth here.

I also don’t know your height, weight, age, or if you have any predisposition to any particular health issues. So it’s really hard for me to interpret this bloodwork absent of that information.

And as a side note… coming off a couple months of a low dose of anavar really shouldn’t have the effects you’re describing.

IDK. This whole thing feels sketchy. Nothing about what you’ve described here really sounds like you’re working with a doctor, outside of the testosterone.


Bro…I have no reason to make anything up, why would I?

My TRT doc put me on Oxandrolone when I said I want to cut fat. They’ve allowed me to stay on indefinitely long as my blood work remains okay.

The pictures above are all of my blood work results after 3 months of running Oxandrolone.

My question before for long-term steroid use was exactly for this, I was concerned on what to expect side-effect wise. I got off of it, and here I am…not feeling all that great.

I’m back on Oxandrolone, today is day # 2 - I feel much better, more energy, more enthusiasm, etc.

I’m 5’ 9", 205 lbs, deadlift at 420, bench at 245, squat at 315, 15 pull ups, 185ish on presses…my family has a history of heart issues, however, they are all alive and healthy despite being life long smokers and not taking care of themselves.

I’m here on a super clean diet. I’m okay to use oxandrolone but it’s a shot in the dark, no telling what this will do long term if I were to guess. Might end up with liver or kidney issues. Hence I’m doing my research.


TBH, I think some of this might be in your head. You expected to feel better on the var, so you felt better. Now if you come off, I’d bet you will feel worse.

Fwiw, most people don’t feel anything in var. Some get a bit lower libido (I think I might be one of them).

Placebo / nocebo is damn powerful. In an experiment they gave experienced powerlifters a new oral steroid which was a sugar pill. They reported feeling great and some set like 15 kg PRS.

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You’re fucking with hormones, and there’s only one way to really get answers when you feel off (or good, for that matter), and that’s lab work. Var lowers SHBG, raising FT and Fe2. It’s also DHT-based, maybe that had an impact? We can guess all we want here, but really you have to get the answers in your blood work

I agree 100% on the placebo effect. This one is most definitely not placebo but then again, I suppose you never really know. I wish someone would magically come replace my capsules with sugar, then see if I still get the boost.

Gotcha - well today, after 2 months off Var, I went and gave a full panel blood test. I doubt the results will be skewed just off having 1 25mg Oxandrolone dose the day before the draw.

So we’ll see my new labs here soon.