Fine with the empty bar or light weights for a novice or in warm up, but pointless as a standalone exercise for max etc. I’ve trained with a lot of elite lifters and coaches over nearly 2 decades and didn’t come across this until relatively recently when I saw some crossfitters advocating it.
Quite like narrow grip for flexibility/stability/mobility or just do squat jerks.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule and some people may have terrible flexibility etc and therefore benefit to some degree but I’ve never met one and think they may be very few and far between indeed. Usual issue is shoulder flexibility, often due to too much bench and direct stretching is far more effective.
One last rant, squats help you get up not OHS; if you can’t stand up from a snatch you have serious issues (usually balance/position is the key). Snatch balance is far more worthwhile.
[quote]Charlietr wrote:
Fine with the empty bar or light weights for a novice or in warm up, but pointless as a standalone exercise for max etc. I’ve trained with a lot of elite lifters and coaches over nearly 2 decades and didn’t come across this until relatively recently when I saw some crossfitters advocating it.
Quite like narrow grip for flexibility/stability/mobility or just do squat jerks.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule and some people may have terrible flexibility etc and therefore benefit to some degree but I’ve never met one and think they may be very few and far between indeed. Usual issue is shoulder flexibility, often due to too much bench and direct stretching is far more effective.
One last rant, squats help you get up not OHS; if you can’t stand up from a snatch you have serious issues (usually balance/position is the key). Snatch balance is far more worthwhile.[/quote]
I agree from the standpoint of uselessness for a competitive lifter. I never did them in any of my competitive phases. However if you train in a commercial gym and want to stand out from the rest of the humanoids (and increase your chances of getting laid), then there is merit to doing them heavy in the power rack.
[quote]Charlietr wrote:
I stand corrected :)[/quote]
Hahaha. Truth!
I agree with you for the most part–especially as a lifter who snatches is essentially practicing overhead squatting from the bottom with heavy weights so…what’s the benefit? However for non-competitive and intermediate lifters I think the benefits to whole body strength and flexibility are pretty decent, especially as it helps you “feel” a good catch position in the bottom and gain stability there. Crossfitters are just…well, crossfitters.
I find them to be the best exercise for teaching how to get into a below parallel squat
a great stretching/flexibility exercise
a great side delt exercise
I always feel energised after doing them
Are they any good for high level lifters? I dont now, I’m a very low level lifter
I’ve got to agree with Charlie. I like doing them to warm up my shoulders and hips, but they aren’t great for building much up.