Newly joined T-Nation, been visiting the site for just over a year but finally decided to make an account and get some advice on my stubborn lifts and maybe contribute if I can.
Below is a video of my Overhead press (Apologies if it white boxes or does not appear at all, I am new to attaching videos on this forum and I know it can be finicky sometimes), about 10 lbs short of my maximum (and about 40 lbs short of bodyweight), currently using Wendler’s 5/3/1 (Triumvirate) and made significant progress on all my other main movements, and the Strict Press has been frequently stalling and my reps with a specific weight are rarely ever consistent.
My sticking point used to be at the starting inches of the lift around neck height, but has now shifted to forehead height (when my upper arms reach parallel). I have another video of a failed attempt at my best maximum if it would help. Any advice and/or personal breakthroughs in similar situations would be greatly appreciated.
Keep your glutes and abs tight. don’t flare your elbows - you do this at your forehead level which is what many people do at their sticking point - unfortunately it doesn’t help the lift at all. Practice body tension on your warm up sets.
If you have access to a rack perform Standing Rack Presses at your middle forehead for triples. This will help you really learn to stay tight and push through.
If you have access as well use some light bands ( there cheap easily attached to the ground with a DB ) load the bar with roughly 70% of your max and attach the bands perform Triples. About 5 - 8 sets. Stop when your speed slows down to what you consider a grinder. From what I can see your losing it because your loose and allowing your arms to just do there own thing this is making you lose valuable speed in the movement. Faster muscle is a stronger muscle in atleast the since if you can get moving fast enough off your chest hopefully you can blast straight past your sticking point.
Triceps triceps triceps work them till you can’t and then strap your dick on and work them more. Heavy JM Presses, Floor Presses, Extensions you name it fry them. I missed the boat on this early on and am suffering for it now. But its getting better.
Rear Delts and Upper Back are extremely important no matter how strong your arms are if you can’t stay tight in the upper back and shoulders area your going to lose loads of power and or worse Lock out a 300lbs overhead press 100 times but not be able to freaking hold it over head and then have dump it ( True Story )
im no expert but maybe get a bit of a kick/push through the legs/glutes and create a bit of momentum, i know this will make it more of a full body exercise as apposed to strict shoulder arm work there are loads of articles here on this,good luck
[quote]Reed wrote:
If you have access to a rack perform Standing Rack Presses at your middle forehead for triples. This will help you really learn to stay tight and push through.
If you have access as well use some light bands ( there cheap easily attached to the ground with a DB ) load the bar with roughly 70% of your max and attach the bands perform Triples. About 5 - 8 sets. Stop when your speed slows down to what you consider a grinder. From what I can see your losing it because your loose and allowing your arms to just do there own thing this is making you lose valuable speed in the movement. Faster muscle is a stronger muscle in atleast the since if you can get moving fast enough off your chest hopefully you can blast straight past your sticking point.[/quote]
Thanks Reed, I don’t have access to a regular caged power rack, it might be a little awkward but I guess I could try to clean the weight up onto catch bars that I can set to forehead height.
I haven’t bought any bands so far, but I will definitely order some soon and incorporate the partials until they arrive, and then take your advice with the dynamic work into consideration too.
[quote]davyboy wrote:
im no expert but maybe get a bit of a kick/push through the legs/glutes and create a bit of momentum, i know this will make it more of a full body exercise as apposed to strict shoulder arm work there are loads of articles here on this,good luck[/quote]
Davy, I already tried Push Press back off sets after the strict work and sometimes before as a warm up, it definitely helped me break my last sticking point when that was a major issue for me and emphasising it again now might help with this one, thanks for the advice!