Out Of Shape Diabetic

Hello everyone!
I am finally getting off my butt and doing something about my weight and life style. I am a 41 yr old male who is a Type 2 diabetic. I used to work out YEARRRS ago so I know my way around a gym. My doctor has given me the OK to return to the gym after losing 60lbs from dieting.

I went from 300 lbs to 240 and I feel PRETTY good but I dont feel great. Not yet. I am very out of shape Endurance-wise as well as strength-wise. Can anyone give me tips on starting my work out from ground Zero? I want to do my workout right without mucking myself up doing it.


I’d say pick up Alwyn Cosgrove’s New Rules of Lifting.

Thanks zarro! I’ll check it out.

I agree get AC book and above all get in the gym start with the basics and prgress make this habit bro.

Congrats on the first steps now keep it up


What do your glucose levels look like? What are you eating?

I’ll have to get up the motivation to type this all over for the 20th time. (nothing having to do with you)

I’ll just say for now my type 2 was pretty damn bad (500+) I beat it in 6 months.
Very tight control now. Just some encouragement.

Tiribulus, my levels are running between 128 and 180. I’m on Avandamet (dose of 4/1000mg x2 daily).

My diet consists of lean meats (Fish/Chicken/some red meats) along with a reduced serving of wheat breads (can’t stand Rye though). Eggs and Bran.
The hardest part about losing the weight wasn’t just changing my diet but learning portion control. Pushing away from the table. Not finishing what’s put on my plate. My wife is the type who shows love by FEEDING me. Not a bad thing but when the pasta flows you have to know when to say “Looks great! I’ll have 1/2 a helping”.

At 240 lbs, you need a large number of calories to keep your weight stable, I don’t see why you need to “push away from the table” when eating qualities foods such as meat, fish, eggs and veggies. I would stop eating bread and bran, focus on eating all the meat, fish, eggs, green veggies, etc. that you need to feel satisfied. Eat 6 times a day eat enough to feel full, but not stuffed.

[quote]Maelstrum wrote:
Tiribulus, my levels are running between 128 and 180. I’m on Avandamet (dose of 4/1000mg x2 daily).

My diet consists of lean meats (Fish/Chicken/some red meats) along with a reduced serving of wheat breads (can’t stand Rye though). Eggs and Bran.
The hardest part about losing the weight wasn’t just changing my diet but learning portion control. Pushing away from the table. Not finishing what’s put on my plate. My wife is the type who shows love by FEEDING me. Not a bad thing but when the pasta flows you have to know when to say “Looks great! I’ll have 1/2 a helping”.[/quote]

[quote]Maelstrum wrote:
Hello everyone!
I am finally getting off my butt and doing something about my weight and life style. I am a 41 yr old male who is a Type 2 diabetic. I used to work out YEARRRS ago so I know my way around a gym. My doctor has given me the OK to return to the gym after losing 60lbs from dieting.

I went from 300 lbs to 240 and I feel PRETTY good but I dont feel great. Not yet. I am very out of shape Endurance-wise as well as strength-wise. Can anyone give me tips on starting my work out from ground Zero? I want to do my workout right without mucking myself up doing it.


First thing you should do is cure diabetees by eliminating cooked food and juicing a lot of green leafy vegetables. That should be your primary concern.

[quote]designinme wrote:
At 240 lbs, you need a large number of calories to keep your weight stable, I don’t see why you need to “push away from the table” when eating qualities foods such as meat, fish, eggs and veggies. I would stop eating bread and bran, focus on eating all the meat, fish, eggs, green veggies, etc. that you need to feel satisfied. Eat 6 times a day eat enough to feel full, but not stuffed. [/quote]

Why would he want to keep his weight stable? He likely still needs to drop some weight to get off the meds.

[quote]elliotnewman1 wrote:
First thing you should do is cure diabetees by eliminating cooked food and juicing a lot of green leafy vegetables. That should be your primary concern.[/quote]

WTF? You sir are a moron. And not just an ordinary moron, you are a “special” moron.

[quote]Maelstrum wrote:
Tiribulus, my levels are running between 128 and 180. I’m on Avandamet (dose of 4/1000mg x2 daily).

My diet consists of lean meats (Fish/Chicken/some red meats) along with a reduced serving of wheat breads (can’t stand Rye though). Eggs and Bran.

The hardest part about losing the weight wasn’t just changing my diet but learning portion control. Pushing away from the table. Not finishing what’s put on my plate. My wife is the type who shows love by FEEDING me. Not a bad thing but when the pasta flows you have to know when to say “Looks great! I’ll have 1/2 a helping”.[/quote]

Your numbers aren’t too bad, but it’s likely the meds that’s keeping them down. I don’t know how tall you are but it’s likely you still have some weight to drop.

Your goal should be first and foremost losing enough weight to get off of the medication. You’re not really in control of your diabetes if you need meds. Diet controlled is the place you want to be. Have you discussed this with your doctor? How much more weight would he like to see come off and what things has he advised you to continue, start or stop doing?

It looks like you’ve pretty much got the diet thing down, being able to drop 60 lbs and all, but it can always be fine tuned. Read some of, or all of, the nutrition info on this site.

Most of the dieting info is geared towards non-diabetics, but you can always make adjustments as needed to keep you levels in check. You’re still young enough to get this under control and keep it that way.

As for getting into the gym- nothing better for starting out than a full body workout. Concentrate on some of the bigger compound lifts- squats, snatch grip deads, etc.

Cooked food? WTF? That is NOT causing diabetes. Now, I will agree with you about the vegetable juicing of green veggies like celery, cucumbers, parsely and spinach. That is just good for everyone. The reality is, most people juice fruits and thats about as good for a diabetic as injecting sugar directly into their ass.

Cooked food is fine, I really don’t know what you mean. He needs to cut out shit carbs for now. Stuff like whole wheat pasta, whole wheat sour dough blah blah, needs to go. Keep it simple. Meat, chicken, fish, veggies, butter, throw out the snacks, the sweets, the breads… eat clean, do some cardio… lift some weight.will be losing weight soon.

[quote]elliotnewman1 wrote:
Maelstrum wrote:
Hello everyone!
I am finally getting off my butt and doing something about my weight and life style. I am a 41 yr old male who is a Type 2 diabetic. I used to work out YEARRRS ago so I know my way around a gym. My doctor has given me the OK to return to the gym after losing 60lbs from dieting.

I went from 300 lbs to 240 and I feel PRETTY good but I dont feel great. Not yet. I am very out of shape Endurance-wise as well as strength-wise. Can anyone give me tips on starting my work out from ground Zero? I want to do my workout right without mucking myself up doing it.


First thing you should do is cure diabetees by eliminating cooked food and juicing a lot of green leafy vegetables. That should be your primary concern.


Thank you folks. And thank you for “shooting straight” it’s really encouraging me. I definately need to drop more weight.

I’ve noticed my blood sugar levels have dropped along with my weight. If I can drop another 30 lbs I believe my blood sugar will stablize to a healthy level. I can’t wait to throw away all these dang meds.

I love leafy green veggies raw, such as spinich, etc. Meats are grand but my tastes have changed and are leaning towards the veggies more. The value of meat can’t be emphasized enough but GOOD meat is the way to go.

I truely believe that my body has definately missed out on what it needs over the years and when I ate high calorie low quality foods it was being starved. Its to the point now that smelling fried foods makes me ill. Amazing since I used to belly up to the McD’s and Capt D’s in the olden days.

eengrms76 knows what he’s talking about. He’s been dealing this with longer than I have.

In short, I had some pretty extensive prior experience with nutrition and weight training. All I did was the same stuff I did back in the early 90’s and the belly, high blood pressure (real high) and blood sugar (also way out there) took care of themselves.

It may sound very oversimplistic, but good food spread over 6 meals a day, NO processed, packaged shit whatsoever, a serious weight training program and within 6 months all 3 were under my control. I didn’t even do cardio for a while and am now only doing it 2 days a week.

I now eat 4300-4500 calories a day and no problems. belly gone, blood pressure 118/82 and glucose might drift up into the 160’s after a huge bowl of oatmeal with milk, raisins, sweet potatoes, bananas and apples.

I’m sure the previous experience I had played an instrumental role in my success and nobody can promise it will go this smoothly for everybody, but it’s yours to conquer bro.