Did a search for it and came up with nuthin basically so I thought I’d put it to the group. A friend who is diabetic (not really into bodybuilding, just trying to get in shape and get healthy - he’s grossly overweight) just got diagnosed. I’m trying to help him design the workout and some diet tips. Anyone got any inside info on working out as a diabetic, or t-mag articles to point out?
Does he have type I or type II diabetes? The first goal should be to lose weight, so eat clean and drop the cals. Exercise is more dangerous with type I diabetics because they are taking insulin. Exercise acts in much the same way as insulin in regards to blood glucose. Exercise drives glucose into the working muscles. So you must avoid taking insulin and then working out. Always have to eat after insulin. In regards to the type of training they can do, it should not be too different than anything else, but you do have to watch blood glucose levels. Check with his doctor because there is a window in which you can exercise and levels where you definately should NOT exercise. Give him a few weeks to learn tight control of his blood glucose and once that is controlled then exercise away and help shed that weight off. If he is type II, then even a small weight loss coupled with regular exercise could return the insulin sensitivity to the tissues. If you have access to scientific literature, the journal Medicine Science Sports and Exercise has published some good information on the topic. I just don’t have it handy. Hope this helps.
He is a perfect candidate for a low carb (<50gm), moderat to high fat high protein diet. The adkins diet would work extremely well. Your freind is insulin insensitive and needs more than normal amounts of insulin to get the glucose out of his blood stream. Carbs no matter what kind are going to kill your freind if he doesn’t stop eating them. Sure you can regulate your sugar levels with insulin and the type of carbs you eat, but carbs are a nonessential nutrient and should be looked upon as such. Diabetes is a progressive disease. Why not take out the component of food that is going to be the death of your buudy. The least you should do is have him read Dr. Adkins New diet Revolution. Do not rely on most Dr’s. They 'll have him eating basically the same way while monitoring his sugar.
Akigreg,I have to agree with Michael’s recommendation that your friend explore low carb eating.I am not real fond of the Atkins prescription though,I prefer a paleolithic,or hunter gatherer-type diet where you focus on lean wild meats,and add in healthy fats by eating nuts,seeds,avocadoes,oily fish,cold-pressed monounsturated oils like olive and macadamia etc,etc.Atkins tends to emphasise foods like bacon,sausages,burgers,cheese etc.
Years back I dropped the so-called ‘healthy’ hi-carb diet and started following the ‘Zone’,which is not really a low carb diet,more a moderate carb diet.I noticed big improvements.Around the same time,a friend who also adapted the diet had recommended the diet to a work colleague whose boyfriend was diabetic and wheelchairbound,within a couple of weeks on the Zone diet he was able to reduce his insulin intake 75%.Apparently his energy and well-being shot up dramatically and this encouraged him to revive his previous career as a trainer,despite his handicap.
Anyway, I eventually tried the Atkins diet and felt even more energetic,also noticed a boost in my test.levels,unfortunately my liver enzymes had elevated,I assume from all the sturated fat.So I then eventually progressed to a paleo diet and am convinced it is the way to go.I have introduced quite a few others to this type of diet and without fail,they all feel better for it.
If your friend is interested `Neanderthin’ by Ray Audette is a very informative,but easy to read book.Beyonveg.com has a boatload of info on paleo eating as well.Natural Hormonal Enhancement,though not really a paleo diet book,is a good read as well.
Also the following link might be worth a read;
http://www.mercola.com/2001 /jul/14/insulin.htm
Best of luck…