Our Body - The Universe Within

Just letting you know, if you are interested in anatomy/physiology and are neat the detroit area you should check thist out. It is an exhibit at the Detroit Science Center and has 20 real bodies that have been preserved that you can look at. Note most of them aren’t encased, and you can get up close and look right at them.

Muscles, nerves, organs, and bones over various displays.

It was very interesting and you get a new appreciated for the human body.

Is this the Bodies exhibition? The one where there are human beings with nothing but muscle and showing how the body works?

If it’s the same thing, I’ve been to the one in New York City, it’s pretty sweet.

Is this the one where the bodies were sourced from China?

If so, my anatomy class were advised that many academics boycott this event due to the possible flexible morality of the sourcing organisation.

Yup, nothing but bone and muscle.

Yes, the bodies were from China. Once I heard that I did wonder a bit if they all really ‘donated’ their bodies to science…I guess I don’t know much about the source where they came, it was still pretty neat. If they were abducted or forced to it that is pretty wrong though.

I saw the exibit in Tamp and it was amazing. Definitly worth going to. According to the tour, the bodies came from morgues, after remaining unclaimed for 6 months. If they didn’t end up on display they would have been cremated.