I think what p-dog was saying is that you shouldn’t stack them at the same time for best results.
Test 750mg/week 1 500mg/week after that + dbol 50mg/day weeks 1-3
Test 500mg/week + turinabol 75mg/day weeks 4-6
IP. I read pdog’s reply early this morning. I see what both of you are saying. It was a pretty stupid post. Basically I’m looking for a suggestion for an all oral cycle. The sticks are out for the guy that I’m trying to help out. Personally no sticks doesn’t seem worth it to me. Thanks for the reply and any advice I appreciate it.
Colt is right in that winny goes good with everything. For oral only I would say any of these combos would be good
Using what you have and adding either win and anavar
var and dbol
var and OT
winny and d
winny and ot
So maybe 3 weeks on D/Win and 3 on OT/Win