Orthorexia and Muscle Dysmorphia: "The ‘Dark Side’ of Bodybuilding and Signs to Look Out For"

Guilty as charged!!! Hahaha.


Perfectionism doesn’t seem in vogue these days.



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Based on what I look like, I need to catch this condition lol.


Get you a coach:

Let’s get serious. This is how I feel on this forum with the lazy dudes who won’t read. :grinning:

I’d love to see the complaints on this skit nowadays.

RIP Mr. Wonderful. Could have still used some cutting to get that BF down.

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Admittedly me sometimes.

:flushed:, the body positive people probably hate this video!!!

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One specific type of body dysmorphia that is seen among bodybuilders is muscle dysmorphia

The treatment for this is CBT, some other therapies and anti-depressents. Prescribe them hormones and six months with Chris Aceto.

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24 hours after posting and now I’m in the off-topic section. Sounds like a cover up :slight_smile: .

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All these folks need some exercise (as do I, let’s be honest). Some of them are maybe only 6 months of hard work away from a decent physique.

Bigorexia is something I am sure I have probably had since I first had appreciable muscle on my arms.

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Question for the Mods @Chris_Colucci @Mod_Phoenix:

How did this topic end up in the Off Topic section? Given the red-hot focus on mental health, etc wouldn’t this topic be relevant where I placed it originally? I didn’t post it to BB section since that’s more a competition-centered thread.

There’s so many that may benefit from pausing the chase of their destructive, warped, and never-good-enough dream and instead put some time into CBT and healing. Thanks for considering.

Was that really the intention of starting this thread though?

Doesn’t read that way. Reads like “I’m awesome, haha fat people!”.

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We should explore all sides of the issue; with a topic this serious some levity always seems to help and self-awareness is important. I’m genuinely interested in how folks on here see this from their perspective. Thanks for your share.

Why the sudden about face?

Lack of attention to your awesome topic?

Nothing you wrote prior to another person’s interjection of the mental health aspects of it indicate that you give even a modest shit about the subject.

So what changed?


The “About The Bigger, Stronger, Leaner” pinned thread explains that the section is to “Ask about your current training plan, find out which program would be best for your goals, or post form check videos to get technique tips.”

Discussing potential mental health disorders isn’t suited for that section just because they happen to be exercise or nutrition related.

Not that it’d change anything, but this ^ wasn’t remotely conveyed in your opening post or any of your posts thereafter.

About the article itself, I think it’s a decent dose of fear-mongering and giving an excuse for people to misinterpret any attention to diet or effort in the gym, but there are definitely some parts I agree with.

“If your identity becomes overly tied to your exercise or your food, then that would be a time to consider that you have to reevaluate that
If you are foregoing relationships, job responsibilities, sleep, things like that because you feel driven to work out or driven to be at the gym, then that is a sign of a disorder”

If you’re not a competitive bodybuilder or strength athlete, or if physical fitness isn’t directly related to your career (like military or law enforcement) or health (post-rehab, diagnosed issues, etc.), then this diet-and-exercise thing is simply recreation.

Recreational lifters don’t need to “earn the cheat meal” on their birthday or stress about getting enough protein at Christmas dinner and they don’t need to say “Can’t go wakeboarding on vacation, babe. I just trained back and it’ll be overtrained.”

And if Above Average Joe Lifter has ab veins and striated delts in every picture but keeps telling people he’s trying to get under 15% bodyfat, then that dude has genuine body image issues.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts @Chris_Colucci. I appreciate your time.

Thanks for the feedback. Then given the topic scope the thread was placed in the “Off-Topic” section given there’s no better section. Ok, thanks for the explanation.

A lot of climbing the ladder of inference in that. We haven’t run into each other on here previously and you must not be familiar with views I shared in other sections of this forum. But that’s fine. I wish you Peace and Health.

Is that so?

What kind of care or empathy is being expressed here?

Or with this?

And this?

So what is it exactly that you’re trying to get across here?

Yeah. What are they? Post a link or something.

Cuz what you have here doesn’t indicate anything about exploring the subject.

I’ll apologize if this is a misguided or poorly executed attempt on your part, but I’m just not seeing that.

I do have some experience with this, but nothing in this thread indicates that I would or should share that experience.

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