Ordering Online

I’m so f’n upset at all the problems I’ve had lately buying online, whether its from websites like buy.com or Ebay.

I try to save money and always look for the “BEST” deal, and every time I regret it, except for when I order from a major retailer.

No customer service, shitty quality, delays in shipping, shady companies or sellers, what the hell was I thinking?

I’ve gotten ulcers ordering cell phones, cable boxes, and other items that don’t work out for one reason or another.

When you try to save money by finding the absolute lowest price, and don’t consider who you are buying from, it ends up biting you in the ass!!!

Fuck this. Unless its from a major retailer, like Amazon, Biotest, iherb, or a nationwide chain, I’ll spend $20 more and buy it locally.

I think I got f-ed, by the Shoulder Horn/Everfit people, and will be placing a mail fraud claim Monday. I placed the order June 2nd, they tagged my credit card for $68 on June 4th, and haven’t responded to my voicemails and emails regarding ship dates.

Their web site claims shipments within 24 hours, and voice mail states that they will call back within an hour.

It might be too late for this, but you can order a shoulder horn through elitefts.com. And they have awesome customer service.

Thanks I usually order from elitefts.com, but this was actually my wife ordering a b-day present for me. I will order from EFS as soon as I get my money back.

I just received a call from home, that my Shoulder Horn got delivered. I did not get ripped off after all, but not calling, or sending an email, about the order, was pretty unprofessional.

Good for you Rick.

I have one company saying they’ll exchane my proiduct, which they’ve done before but it took 2.5 months to do it(!!)

I told them that at this point I’ll pay for express shipping to them to return the box, and I’ll pay them to ship the new one to me FedEx or something.

Menahwile, those pieces of monkey crap at buy.com STILL haven’t gotten back to me after I emailed them 2 days ago AND, after saying the product was in stock when I ordered it 10 days ago, now its listed as “On Order”
Those pieces of sh#t…I’m going to look up their corporate number and ream them a new one