I’ve got some major venting about piss-poor customer service from a different online vendor, so bear with me.
3-and-a-half weeks ago, I decided to order from a site called Atomic Athletic. They “specialize” in custom-made barbells and odd (though occasionally interesting) crap. They also have some books and videos that can’t be found elsewhere. So, I ordered 2 copies of a particular book. One for me, and one for a client’s upcoming birthday ('cuz I’m a swell guy).
Their site says “6-8 DAYS lead time to ship date” (the captial letters are theirs, whatever that exactly means.) I figure it’ll be 6-8 calendar (not work) days before it gets shipped out. No problem, I’ve got 3 weeks before my clients birthday.
2-and-a-half-weeks after I ordered, I still had no product. I sent them a well thought-out, professional sounding e-mail asking the status of my order, and asking, politely, for urgent attention since I had the deadline of my client’s birthday fast approaching. I received no response.
To make a long story short (too late), about 10 minutes ago, I got off the phone with them and the tale does not have a happy ending. I spoke with Roger, the owner, and told him I was cancelling my order of 2 simple books (which cost about 73 bucks, including shipping). He asked why. I said that " it’s been 3-and-a-half weeks, I don’t still have the product, which was intended for my client. I sent an e-mail to check the status a week or so ago, I didn’t hear back."
He says “Oh yeah, the books are on back order right now, but I’ll cancel the order. I’m sorry you can’t keep waiting. Live Strong. Bye-bye.” click.
He hung up on me. [i]W T F !?![/i]
So, just a word to my T-bros and sisters out there, Roger LaPointe and his company are fucking tools.
Thanks, I feel better now.