Theoretically, of course, does anyone know if there is any reason why you can’t stick an oral like d-bol or oxymetholone up your ass if it gives you stomach discomfort. Is it possible to make d-bol troches and finally, would it work better (quicker easier absorbtion) if you emptied a d-bol cap into a spoon, dissolved it in minimal solution, sucked it up a syringe barrel and whilst standing insert it (just the barrel - no needle of course) in your anus (can’t stop laughing about the picture, or the expressions I’m picturing on your faces right now), and squirted it up there would it work.
Firstly you should know that there was a campaign in Germany promoting this as the best way of using heroin, as it is much safer than bunting (apparently there is a very dense network of capillaries just at the base of where the valve for the anus is and anything there in liquid form gets absorbed almost as quickly as if you were mainlining). The campaign cut OD’s by about 90 percent.
Anyways if this method is effective it would be an alternative to swallowing or going sublingual, none of it would reach your stomach. Would that mean that you could avoid the problem (ulcers, bloating etc)or are the ulcers or bloating not directly resultant from the substances themselves, but your bodies reaction to having them in its bloodstream. Lastly if its plausible to do this whats the best thing to dissolve it in, considering its going up your ass.
Lastly I would just like to thank you for your replies in advance any advice or relevant information would be greatly appreciated.
It’s hell funny, and every time I check here for new info I can’t help but laugh, but seriously people this could be a way past a major obstacle for me (really want to try the AR/nonAR combo) so any useful information would be really appreciated, even if it isn’t useful and has some humour, then its appreciated, I’ll never turn down an opportunity to laugh.
Never confirmed this story but my EMT Instructor from back in the day told us that a couple was found dead on their bed with enema bags full of wine sticking out of their asses. He told us that apparently the large intestine, whose role is to absorb fluid, absorbed the alcohol rapidly, leading to a rapid spike in blood alcohol content.
The couple died of alcohol poisoning. How tragic that they didn’t even get to drink the fecal concoction or taste the fruits of their labor!
Got no problem with injections, just want to see what the sus,d-bol, deca combo does, d-bol makes my stomach bleed - I have to drop e’s like that as well - so would rather avoid it if I can(stomach bleeding), if that means havin to do what I posted about earlier then thats what it means - am commited to doing whatever it takes - and I mean whatever to beastify, and I know that gas is not going to do it alone, but it’ll help me bust through a MAJOR plateau. - anyways humours good at least its good for a laugh in the morning when I get to work.
To answer your question - ask yourself if you leak shit when you got the shits??? I think not It wouldn’t be more than 1 or 2 cc’s you would put up there and it would be absorbed pretty quickly because thats what that part of your body is designed for - I’m just worried about it getting absorbed to quickly - would that be dangerous - 10mg over about 5mins? Would the spike cause a problem?
would that be dangerous - 10mg over about 5mins? Would the spike cause a problem?[/quote]
Probably not. Consider injecting 100-150mg of test suspension. That would be absorbed pretty quickly. You might have some rapid swings in serum concentrations, but as far as being dangerous I think not.
I knew guys who used to do this with booze during wrestling season. Soak a tampon in vodka or whatever and stick it up there. Get drunk with no calories.
would that be dangerous - 10mg over about 5mins? Would the spike cause a problem?
Probably not. Consider injecting 100-150mg of test suspension. That would be absorbed pretty quickly. You might have some rapid swings in serum concentrations, but as far as being dangerous I think not.[/quote]
The whole idea is to try to get them (serum levels)steady isn’t it so spiking it would be a waste of gear unless say it was directly before a workout, correct? incorrect?
[quote]JohnnyChainsaw wrote:
I knew guys who used to do this with booze during wrestling season. Soak a tampon in vodka or whatever and stick it up there. Get drunk with no calories.[/quote]
would that be dangerous - 10mg over about 5mins? Would the spike cause a problem?
Probably not. Consider injecting 100-150mg of test suspension. That would be absorbed pretty quickly. You might have some rapid swings in serum concentrations, but as far as being dangerous I think not.
The whole idea is to try to get them (serum levels)steady isn’t it so spiking it would be a waste of gear unless say it was directly before a workout, correct? incorrect?
It wouldn’t really matter for orals I guess. Say you put 10mg of an oral compound directly into your blood. The half-life of the compound would still be the determining factor for how long it stays in your system.