Oral contraceptive

This relates to building muscle/fat loss, not necessarily ‘guy stuff’; will someone help me anyway? I am currently on the T-dawg diet,(three weeks into it and doing alright), thinking about entering my first competition in April. I am using an oral contraceptive(desogestrel 0.15mg, ethinylestradiol 0.03mg),my question is will this particular pill interfere with fat loss/muscle retention? If so is there a better alternative pill or am I better off going with my natural hormonal fluctuations? By the way I intend to compete in a ‘natural’ state. I live in Australia and pro-hormones are not available, any suggestions re supplements would also be appreciated. Cheers.

Sorry, I don’t know the details, but I have heard that “the pill” or other forms of birth control cause many women to gain weight. Perhaps you could use a barrior method until after the contest?

As for sups, if you can, get some Methoxy-7 from Biotest. Great stuff.

You are not in a “natural” state if you are taking an oral contraceptive. These too are steroids and will have a negative impact on your training. I would go with the barrier method as TEK suggests.