Opinions on Tren?

I’m looking to do a tren cycle and need alil advice as far as tren on a 2nd cycle. I’m currently on hrt so I’m gonna up my test dose and add tren and clen to cut alil. And instead of taking pct was gonna taper back down to normal dose of test. What do some of y’all vets think? Looking for opinions before I figure out dosages and will take hcg near end aswell

Sounds good… Not sure what you have a question about? If you’re not taking hcg while on trt there really isnt much of a point to take it towards the end of your blast if you’re just going to go back to trt dose

My question was wud test taper b good enough for a tren cycle. And why do people suggest not to do tren for a 2nd. Cycle? Thanks in advance sorry I was unclear

People like to over exaggerate the side effects. This can be applied to most types of AAS.

For example, you’ll hear people say they took tren and beat their wife or ended up in jail because of it. 99% of the time these are trolls and the rest already had mental issues

Yea that’s what I was thinking to. Thank y’all for the input

In my limited experience with tren, I’ve done it with equal amounts of test and tren, and am currently doing high tren/low test. A cursory search through the site will show loads of guys finding that this approach nearly negates the sides from tren, and I have to say I agree. I would say stay at you TRT dose for test, and use whatever dose tren you had planned. Then at the end just drop the tren and stay on your TRT.

For those of you who’ve done tren how did your BP and lipids look?

[quote]therajraj wrote:
For those of you who’ve done tren how did your BP and lipids look?


In my experience, hdl/ldl stayed in a good balance when kept under 8 weeks of use. as for bp, on any ester of tren i start to notice my bp increasing in the first week. bp is just about the only thing that gets me on tren. increased water intake as well as lower sodium intake is key here for me.

My hrt dose is pretty low. 400 mg a month. Wud that b good or sud I double it so I’m at 1 ml a week?