Hey guys,
What is everyone’s thoughts on Scott Abel and his training / diet philosophies. I know this is open ended but I was hoping to get a good general cross section of view points as the articles are quite open ended / esoteric.
Also, if anyone has been personally trained by him, then talking about that experience would be awesome, even if it’s in boad strokes (not giving away specific details etc).
Don’t get me wrong, not trying to ‘cheat’ and not buy any products, just interested in how his things work in ‘the real world’ so to speak.
We have discussed him quite a bit in a previous thread. Here it is.
[quote]Bricknyce wrote:
We have discussed him quite a bit in a previous thread. Here it is.
http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1892099 [/quote]
Thanks a lot Bricknyce. I have read that thread - I was more after personal experiences working with the guy, or comments on his products in general, as opposed to the articles I guess. I wrote that post at about 4 AM my time, so I may not have made that clear I guess, though I’m happy to add my request/question onto the end of the other thread if you thought it would garner more attention.