Opinion on upcoming diet and exercise routine

Hard to say, your currently eating 1900 or that is your plan?
IMO that is too low to start. You won’t have much room to drop cals when your fat loss stalls. Losing fat takes patience and consistancy. Take a look at my log from the last couple months. Built up to 223lbs and then started dieting a couple weeks into june. i’m at 198.8lbs this morning. Look at what i eat every day where my casl/macros are.

Consistancy in your food and cardio is what is going to lean you up. Not fad dieting or completely changing the style in which you eat.
Start logging your foods/cals/macros for a few weeks and see what your body weight does. If your not experienced in fat loss by feel you need to weigh/log your foods or you will have 0 idea what is going on.

If your not already IF then don’t start now unless you wanna make it a lifestyle. Once you stop you will rebound quickly.