Opinion on ester blends?

I’ve had this bottle of Tri Tren blend (acetate, enanthate, hexa—50 each) and I’d like to finally try it for my next blast. I’m gonna pair this with Sustanon/Tri Test (prop/enanthate/decanoate) and also Mast E. I was thinking low Tri Tren (150) and high Test (260), but I figured the numbers don’t work the same way with a non-blend compound because we’re talking about different half-lives here. What do you think?

Never tried blends of esters before. Are there any pros and cons in using blends of esters?

Also, trying to run Tri Test and Mast for 8 weeks, and the Tri Tren for only 5 weeks.

Have you used tren before? If not I would stop here and just get some Acetate.
The theory behind the multi ester blends is you can inject less frequently as the short ester covers you right away and then the longer esters take more time to cleave off.
With test for most this is fine. With tren you will need to pin this every day or every other day. I have found that with me at least if i don’t keep tren very steady in the blood i get sides. The other issue with this blend is the hex is a very long ester. If you only run this 5 weeks it won’t even be built up in your system yet when you stop using it and it will take a long time to clear. If you having sides it will be a long wait to feel better. I think this is not a great multi ester product. I would just run ace for 5 weeks to have the best outcome. No need to use it just because you have it. Get the right product.

If your only running 8 weeks you should be using short ester products. The sus will not be at full saturation for 4-5 weeks and same with the mast.

I would run test prop/mast prop and tren ace for this. If your not low bodyfat i wouldn’t even bother with the mast.

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