Hi guys, I’ve read a lots of posts on different topics about the subject and I want to hear your experiences about the next cycle I plan to do. I’m 25 years old, 3 years of dedicaded training, for a lean 180lbs 5’8. Some stats (all RAW): Bench press: 300lbs / Ass to ground squat: 400lbs / Deadlift: 460lbs. I don’t train specifically for strenght.
EDIT: Cycle, shooted EOD.
Tren blend (ace/en/hex: 1/3 each): 540 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 150 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 500 /week 11-16
Sust only needs to be administered 2X a week at 1ml each, say monday morning and Thursday night, (every 3.5 days). This will coincide with the active half life of the short esters. Tren is good at 250mg. Try it out and if your body doesn’t respond as well as you want then adjust.
[quote]CmNiAhA4 wrote:
Sust only needs to be administered 2X a week at 1ml each, say monday morning and Thursday night, (every 3.5 days). This will coincide with the active half life of the short esters. Tren is good at 250mg. Try it out and if your body doesn’t respond as well as you want then adjust.[/quote]
Like the OP said, it has to be injected EOD due to the short prop ester. Tren ace needs to be injected ED.
OP, read about the test:tren ratio, most people go with test<tren, as they see less sides with higher tren and lower test.
250mg of tren seems low to me I did 600mg / week my first time with no bad sides. I will be using even more next time around. I think most people start around 400/ week tren. I know my body can handle excessive amounts of drugs tho
Jared’: That’s what I wanted to do: mix the two and inject at the same time. Adding mast is too expensive for my budget for the moment, but be sure I’ll consider it !
Yes, that’s my first cycle with tren. I’ve read a ton of things, books, posts about its mecanisms of actions etc…, but wanted to have an idea of an effective “real-world” dosage for rather a “bulking” phase.
Singhbuilder: Thanks for your advice.
I have considered running test lower than tren, but the cycle would be way more expensive just to have (500mg tren / 200mg prop)/week and I don’t know if the results will be worth the cost at the end of the cycle compared to 500mg test / 250mg tren?
I have some finasteride from previous cycles on hand, maybe very low doses could lower dht production to some extent (at a normal level, like a low dose test would provide) and then lower the sides from the high test tren (if it happens). Never heard of this, though.
I have always went every day for tren acetate… if I ever missed a shot and had to double the next day, I would feel like I was on a roller coaster. Anecdotally a lot of people I know that have used tren a EOD notice sides, then switch to ED and they go away for the most part.
I would just go with 50mg ED for a total of 350mg/week. I assume you have some adex at least on hand. I notice significantly more sides from tren when I do not control my E2 (although on test only I hardly ever bother with AIs, even up to 1500mg a week with no sides)… without E2 control on tren, my appetite, sleep and acne are all fucked up…
@Bigskwatta: Okay, so I’ll surely switch to ED injections. Your comment is very interresting, you answered to some of my questions…
So you’re two to tell me to go around 350/400mg tren A/week. I can go for 375g for the 8 weeks, or consider doing 300mg for the 10 weeks and end at the same time as the sust. The undecanoate esters will be still running two weeks after the last shot, so I assume there wouldn’t be a problem with leaving tren the same time as test?
You are using sustanon, so I would think ending tren acetate with it would be fine. I would just keep it simple and go with 350 a week so its 50mg a day, and I wouldn’t go above that for a first time tren cycle. See how you feel there, bump it next time if you want.
[quote]PassT wrote:
Thanks !
I think I’ll do this. For some budget reasons it will be:
Susta 500mg/week 1-10
Tren A: 350mg/week 1-9
FWIW I would do Tren A 50 mg ED & 50 mg Sust EOD…but I don’t like to run test higher than necessary to keep my penis working. Why do you want to keep test at 500 anyway?
Also do NOT use finasteride on any 19-nor (tren & nandrolone)…it will make your DHT symptoms even worse.
to me it looks like you have the weeks backwards… i’d think you’d want to come off the sust. sooner becasue of the long esters… i’m on tren A, prop, and mast and plan to pin right up until about 3days before PCT starts.
i know with test E i waited about two weeks… that means you’d be 3-4 weeks off Tren A before you even started your PCT…
i’m fairly lucky cause i do have a good income but in no way whatsoever would i let my cash-flow dictate how i would use AAS. thats just not that smart… if Tren A is too costly for you dont use it period, or save up.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
to me it looks like you have the weeks backwards… i’d think you’d want to come off the sust. sooner becasue of the long esters… i’m on tren A, prop, and mast and plan to pin right up until about 3days before PCT starts.
i know with test E i waited about two weeks… that means you’d be 3-4 weeks off Tren A before you even started your PCT…
i’m fairly lucky cause i do have a good income but in no way whatsoever would i let my cash-flow dictate how i would use AAS. thats just not that smart… if Tren A is too costly for you dont use it period, or save up.[/quote]
He’s stoping sust after tren because he wants the tren out of his body before the test. Which is what should usually be done.
Proud virgin: I wanted to keep test as the base of this cycle and start with lower tren as this is my first cycle with this compound. Because I can ever continue on a sust 500 cycle and just stop tren if I am one of them who can’t support it. If I plan to run high tren, low test and have to stop then I’ll just be supressed and “lost” all this gear (tren).
Thanks for the advices about fina ! I won’t use it at all.
Ty-ty13: I read that with sust you can begin PCT almost 8days after last injection (at 500mg/week). Because in the first days the prop and phenylprop esthers would be progressively “out”, the isocaproate not so elevated, and the undecanoate don’t reprensent something really supressing (100mg represents only 60mgs of test, half life 15days or so, that will deverse something like 30mgs of test in 15 days (on average 2g/day), then 15mgs during the next 15 days). Which is sensed to be an acceptable range for recovery.
Whereas for single longer esthers like enanthate you still have roughly 26g/day during the first week and 13g/day during the second week, which is still almost the double natural test production.
Yes I know, but due to budget I choosed to supress week 10 of tren, I don’t think it will be so different?
zraw: Yes, that’s what I originally intempted (supressing tren at week 8), but choosed to leave it later at the long esters will still be active longer.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
to me it looks like you have the weeks backwards… i’d think you’d want to come off the sust. sooner becasue of the long esters… i’m on tren A, prop, and mast and plan to pin right up until about 3days before PCT starts.
i know with test E i waited about two weeks… that means you’d be 3-4 weeks off Tren A before you even started your PCT…
i’m fairly lucky cause i do have a good income but in no way whatsoever would i let my cash-flow dictate how i would use AAS. thats just not that smart… if Tren A is too costly for you dont use it period, or save up.[/quote]
He’s stoping sust after tren because he wants the tren out of his body before the test. Which is what should usually be done.[/quote]
sure i get that… the ace will be long, long gone by his 9-14 day wait after last sust pin. thats also a small amount of ace but he may like it like that… just thought i’d throw my $.02 in
also your ace usage comes out to 3150mg… not sure how its dosed but i’d double check the amount of bottles you can get/afford. mine is 1000mg per bottle.
OK cool man…you’ve definitely thought this out, it shows.
FYI there’s not really a such thing as a ‘base’ compound on cycle…100-200 mg test is all needed to maintain physiological function, anything beyond that is just for additional effect.
Your reasoning is sound, but at least do yourself a favor and research low/no test & tren cycles. I have no experience with tren, but many people report the unpleasant sides dissipating once the the test dose is lowered to HRT levels.
Okay guys, thanks for all your advices ! Like Proud_virgin said, I’ve read some things about high tren/low test cycles, and am going to do one.
Tren blend (ace/en/hex: 1/3 each): 540 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 150 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 500 /week 11-12
I’ll just up the cyp at the end to keep gaining while long tren esters are cleaning.
I read that sides are less pronounced than with high test. I think it’s because progest from tren + high oestrogens from test are also a cause of insomnia, acne, anxiety… and all these things.
But what I havn’t found is: is it enough test to avoid “fina dick”? What are your experiences with this?
Already feeled an extreme apetite in the 24 first hours. Added almost 1000kcal just from being hungry. But no extra fat. I even noticed a loss of 4lbs in the first days, and gained it back with a little lbs everydays. Agression is at the top since day two, at a unbelievable and sometimes problematic point, but I love it. Recovered almost 20 to 30 pounds on my lifts lost from my previous cycl’ in only a few days just because of that, whereas I am lighter.
Don’t notice extra fat at all from the added kcals. Noticed veins coming and skin being leaner than usual in arms and tighs, and muscle being harder.
From the sides. Noticing little acne, very very shitty cardio ! After 10 lunges of one side had to stop because I felt like I was passing out. Put almost 3minutes just to stop breathing like somebody who run a 2000 meter sprint !
Don’t feel any problem to sleep at all, I even have a heavier and better sleep. Just noticed that my sleep cycles seems to have changed, because I wake up everydays almost exactly 45mns sooner than usually.
Don’t hesitate to share your experiences or opinions guys !