I plan on getting in once more for some light technique/speed work for bench and dead. Then leave 4 days to rest. I’m thinking some spike and Power Drive morning of.
Anything else on what TO do, or NOT to do? Special considerations on the day/morning of meet or night before?
Don’t eat anything you don’t normally eat that morning. In other words, if you normally have oatmeal and eggs for breakfast, do it. Don’t make meet day breakfast a time to celebrate making weight and end up losing ten servings of eggs benedict in the warmup room. CELEBRATE AFTER!!!
I think some light bench work is not a bad idea, but I would not recommend doing any pulling at all.
Keep in mind, at this point you are as strong as you are going to get and one more session is not going to yield enough technique improvement to outweigh the risk of coming into the contest flat.
As far as the night before and morning of that depends on a lot of factors, as Ghost alluded to.
The biggest thing I try to get lifters to do the morning of is get some salt, potassium and carbs in them, make sure they consume adequate fluids, and sit their a$$ down and try to relax. You can burn off a lot of energy pacing and standing around.
Well, Friday I got my working maxes so I would know whereabouts to pick my attempts, so it’s going to be less than two weeks with no pulling. (I was thinking 90%->95%->105% for attempts.)
I was planning on Monday doing 5x1 @ 50% of my working max for the speed/technique day(only Bench and Dead). Then do nothing else (maybe a lil stretching/mobility stuff) for the rest of the week.
Yes I am close to making weight so I won’t eat anything until after weighing in. Was probably going to be a shake (usual breakfast) with some creatine/Power Drive in it. I’ve been keeping strict to lose the few lbs for the past few weeks so I am definately looking forward to the “make weight celebration” eating.
Thanks for the tips, and I’ll post my results. My first meet and am not that strong relative to powerlifters but it’s always something I wanted to try out. I know I won’t win but it should be cool to try. On a side note, my girlfriend is also doing it and will probably clean up , even though it is her first meet too. (awwww…bonding time…)
Good luck – and try to relax. It is easier said than done. Do not change anything as far as eating and remember that warm-ups are just that – not a whole workout. One of the biggest mistakes I see at meets are people trying to do a whole workout before getting going out to do the main lifts.
Yes I know my bench sucks. The reason I failed that one was the person who gave me the lift off, yanked and dropped it to me so my arms unlocked. I actually went through and did the press anyway but was called on it. I’ve done up to 285 in the gym before for what it’s worth.
The PR on the dead was nice though and sort of made up for it. Legs were wiggling until I got it past the knees then I stood up with it.
I did end up getting second place though so brought home a trophy on my first meet which was cool.
Cool time, but I was really nervous. I did like seeing how strong some of the guys were. Seeing 600+ bench and deads is impressive, not to mention motivating.
My gal got first place, and also set a PR with her deadlift (260).
Yes I know my bench sucks. The reason I failed that one was the person who gave me the lift off, yanked and dropped it to me so my arms unlocked. I actually went through and did the press anyway but was called on it. I’ve done up to 285 in the gym before for what it’s worth.
The PR on the dead was nice though and sort of made up for it. Legs were wiggling until I got it past the knees then I stood up with it.
I did end up getting second place though so brought home a trophy on my first meet which was cool.
Cool time, but I was really nervous. I did like seeing how strong some of the guys were. Seeing 600+ bench and deads is impressive, not to mention motivating.
My gal got first place, and also set a PR with her deadlift (260).[/quote]
I was in the 181 class…weighed in at 177. The last three weeks was no junk food, good food all the time, some light cardio, and HR extreme. I was at about 185 so I needed to lose some.
I do have a few pics, I should get around to posting a couple…