One Arm DB Rows vs Seated Rows

I workout at home and have a set of powerblocks (dumbbells) and have been working through the 12 weeks to super strength routines. What do folks think about using one arm dumb bell rows pulling up from the floor vs. regular seated rows pulling horizontally. I don’t have the equipment to do seated rows, other than rubber tubing stuff - which means judging the effort is pretty subjective vs. an actual amount of wieght when doing the one are rows. I’m just trying to get strong and fit.

I think the most effective row for size and strength igains is a bent over barbell row pulling into the lower abdomen and prefer it to cables. Not sure if you can simulate this movment with the powerblocks.

I think that the seated row is good to use if your form sucks. You have to be really lazy not to have good form on s. rows. Plus my lats don’t respond well to them. When I switched over to doing 1 arm rows, they blow up.

First off, Powerblocks rock ass, I’m saving up to get plates 5-8 plus the new storage bag. Chucky P has a great exercise called the “Dumbell arc row”. Look up the article under “previous issues” It’s called “The top seven back exercises”.

“Tap out…it’ll feel better”


I’ve always found that I could keep my form better when doing seated rows with a neutral grip. Doing bent over (at least bent over far enough to duplicate the cable). Since I don’t have a cable-and-stack at home (where I work out), I do at least one set with a barbell on each pronated to pecs and supinated to navel rows bent at a 45 degree angle (approx). One-arm rows is an option that works lats well. Possibly you can try rows with a rope tied to the dumbells, and lay face-down on a bench (most likely on blocks to raise it up a bit). Might be worth trying. Also, neutral grip pull-ups do well also if you really squeeze the shoulder blades in hard.

I also have a home gym with powerblocks, a power rack, olympic bar & weights, a swiss ball, and I just purchased a cable machine for approx. $300.00. Its plate loaded and is smooth. I’ve been doing the get buffed program (which is basically 12 weeks to superstrength combined with the limping series) and have been able to do all the exercises with just a few exceptions. Later in the program King mixes it up with barbell rows, and 1 arm DB rows. In the earily stages he uses cables, I believe, for pre-fatigue training. I asked Coach King a similar question (re: leg presses) and he told me to subsitute another similar exercise from later in the program. I hope this helps.

Me like freeweights good! I think that the DB rows do a good job of emulating the cable rows for the purposes of the program, and personally, I’d take the dumbells over the cable row anytime.

Thanks for the tips - I will incorporate them into the program.

My sister had the same problem, and substituted one arm DB rows. Seemed to do the trick.