[quote]Think tank fish wrote:
Hey guys, Just quick intro.
I’m a long time reader who doesn’t post very much.
Anyway, lately I’ve decided to go back to a basic 5x5 split since I’ve been losing my motivation and thought I could probably do with simplifying things a bit.
It feels good, I’m looking forward to getting in the gym again.
I’ve got a concern though, for my horizontal pushing exercise I’m currently doing one arm DB bench presses and seeing as its a 5RM its pretty heavy.
I’m worried if this is going to put a lot of torque on my spine and cause problems, so far so good but its a worry thats making me hold back a bit.
I know Dan John has recommended them but I can’t find the article he mentioned it in. I prefer doing them one arm as they’re a lot easier to set up without a spotter although after a quick search I haven’t found anything to put my mind at ease.
Any thoughts on the matter?[/quote]
Hey dude,
Yeah man it’s definitely doable, a lot of guys do it for various reasons, one being leveling out any assymetry between the two pecs. I’ve done it and am about to start doing it again due to a delt injury on one side.
It works fine. Does it take some getting used to with regards to balance and support with core??
Yeah of course, it’s like anything else. Just start with lighter weight, get the groove down and adjust weight accordingly after a few workouts.
At first it seems hard to keep from actually dipping to one side, but honestly your body will adjust itself. Having a spotter or buddy at first will help if it seems to awkward at first. Like I said though just pick up a moderate weight, and you’re off and running from there.
It’s like doing one arm rows, curls, tri extensions etc.
It is very effective for hitting lagging sides of the chest in my opinion as I’ve done just that in the past.
good luck,