On the Strenf

I don’t know if any of this has been covered earlier, but have you considered squat/Oly shoes and/or briefs if you are going to keep up with the high(er) volume squating? I know I am supposed to think supportive equipment is somehow “bad”, but I sort of consider that the serious lifters tend to use it a “clue”.

Also, I fucking posted in your thread and now my shoulder is feeling a bit “off”. I could attribute that to the joint locks the day before, or any of the past trauma, but I have decided it was caught from your log. So hurt less, it is contagious.


Robert A

Robert A

Im sorry your shoulder is hurt-
sadly Iron does sharpen Iron

Id tell you to rub some dirt on it.
but instead Im going to tell you to put it in a sling
your ass that is
and put two cranberries in a glass and pour a fingers worth of bourbon over them
drink and repeat until the cranberries are green

as for joint locks there is some one in my house who is 4 and weighs 55 lbs-
who can do an arm bar, a kimura an americana and some other chokes
so I feel your pain

I wear Oly shoes- have the budget adidas pair but I have been looking to switch
I also use a knee sleeve- an elbow sleeve ( when needed ) and also sadly wrist wraps

I have thought about briefs or at least some compression shorts but Im really in the dark about them

6.26.14 training

dislocates band work
rolled on a med ball but had smashed the bejesus out of
quads calves glutes hips this morning

some tumbling lunges etc
felt loose enough

lying ham curl 5x8-12
power snatch 65 95 115 x5

A squat 95x12 135x10 225 2x5 315x5 355 2x2 365x2 395x1 x1 405x1
315 4 set of triples loose belt after 315

B db RDl 100 3x12
C1 HLR feet to bar 3x8-10
C2 TRX fall outs

not allot of time just squats and abs.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
You introduced me and now reminded me about dimel deads, I gotta start doing them again…good stuff[/quote]

Matty- Dimmels are the shit- either for warming up
or blowing up your hamstrings

I should put them at the start of next squat session

here is what went down today-


crushed by allergies today

moblity foam other junk
TRX face pulls BW dips mini step ups all 3x12
lots of scap work - with bands - pull aparts etc

A clean and press 65x10 95 2x5 115 x5 135x5
B1 push press
135 2x5 155 2x3 175x2 135x3 185 2x2 205 2x1 1852x2 155 6x3
B2 pullup
102 17x6
C1 pendlay row 185 3x8 bleh
C2 loaded pushup +45 3x12
D medley of face pull - tricep rope pushdowns- standing abs

little stiff from yesterdays squats-
quads hips and back -
push presses- felt good need to push the weights on these
volume was good- even with little weights
came time to row - and my lats and back where done.
needs work.
huge swole

Nice job on the swole. Keep up the solid work.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
You introduced me and now reminded me about dimel deads, I gotta start doing them again…good stuff[/quote]

thanks Matty- they are good- and pretty easy on the joints/low back too.

snuck some in the beginning of the day today.

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
Nice job on the swole. Keep up the solid work. [/quote]

thanks Jack- who doesnt like to be all swole

some training

moblity - pvc at home more at gym

dips x mini step upsx HLR 3x10
678,985,876 dislocates
567,345 leg swings
mad lunges

A dimmel dead 135 2x20
B squat 95x15 135x12 225 2x5 315x5 355x3 385x2 365 3x1
then 315 6x3 225x20
C bss db 40s 3x8 each
D standing rope abs 4x10

right knee all stiff - rolled the shit out of it on pvc pipe
quad IT band and rectus femoris tight as fuck

squats felt good even the 20 rep set.
little too much forward lean on the money sets

Damn, that’s a lot of squat volume.

thanks GV - I was feeling it yesterday felt cripled.


moblity and activation stuff foam lots of LX ball and PVC at home too

A OH squat 95x10 135x5 155x5 185x3 bleh
B deadlift 135 2x20 ( dimmel) 225x5 315x5 405 3x2 belt bleh
C air humps 225x8 275 2x8
D medley of rope pulley- face pulls x tricep pushdown x abs x curls 4 rounds of 10+

creaky and sore today- and weak
glutes very stiff- neck all jacked up from sleeping funny
pulled- and got a bad headache immediately
so I did some other garbage and went home

pulling- and rowing- are things I need to add some volume too
just a bleh day


Sleep food PVC an energy drink

More mobility stuff
HLR x band work x step ups x TKE

A DB snatch 60 70 80 5 each
B oh squat 95x5 135x5 155x5 185x3
C front squat 135x5 225x5 265x3 295x2 315x1 335x0 3152x1
Then squat 225x10
D single ham curl 4x10 each
E1 rear delt 4x12
E2 standing calf 4x15

at a ton and and felt alot better then yesterday
Front squats felt good thought I had that 335
20 rep Squats ham curls and calves and done

Happy fourth of July
muricans grill and blow shit up
canadians- happy canda day.


PVC extensive at home
Mobility tons
HLR 3x10 band work
A DB snatch 60 70 80 x5 90x3
B squat 135x10 225x5 315 2z3 355x2 385x2
C1 push press 135 3x5 155 2x5 1852x3 205x2
C2 pull-up 7x6


Low back tightened up
4th squats this week

some training from the other day


PVC extensive at home
Mobility tons
HLR 3x10 band work
A DB snatch 60 70 80 x5 90x3
B squat 135x10 225x5 315 2z3 355x2 385x2
C1 push press 135 3x5 155 2x5 1852x3 205x2
C2 pull-up 7x6


Low back tightened up
4th squats this week

hope everyone had a good holiday

7.714 some training

PVC lx ball bands at home

Mobility lots

HLR x be dips x revere hyper 3x12

Stacked up the Pluto boxes for reverse
Hypers - duh should have thought of that earlier

A oh squat 65 95 135 155 x10 185x3
B front squat 225x5 275x2 315x1 missed 325 275 2x2
C1 DB flat bench
60x12 70x8 90x5
C2 chest supported row
3pts 5x6
D1 bw dips. 4x12
D2 bw pull-up NG 4x6
E face pulls triceps rope medley
many x many

Low back tight this morning
From squat doesn’t bother it
Like squats
OH squats felt really good
Wishing for bumpers
DB bench felt good - push presses seem to be working

had a good weekend with the family

about to do the MLB all star game in Minneapolis.
be there for a few days.

I have not had much time- to catch up with all you people
here but I do want to know what everyone is up too-

training 7.8.14

PVC LX ball at home
banded stretches band pull aparts dislocates etc
more foam lots of mobility drills

TRX face pulls x HLR X dips all 3x10

Hand stand wall pushups 3x3 these sucked
Row 500 m
A lying ham curl 4x10-13
B squat 95x10 135 x10 225 x20 275x10 315 x3 365x2 225x20
C db clean and press 30 40 50 x 8-10
D row 1000m I suck.

uhm I remember Hand stand pushups - being allot easier
needs work.
squats these felt good today - need to always do some ham curls first.
first set of 20 felt good - second set- kicked my ass.
couldn’t do much after that.

[quote]brotardscience wrote:
TRX face pulls
I can’t make these feel “right” for the life of me. Every time I think they are “almost” there, but the external rotation aspect is sort of “off”. Enough folks seem to like them though so I will try a few more times before I put them in “lead hand uppercut territory” and just come up with excuses why I don’t learn them.

I made this switch a while ago and resent not having done it sooner.

Glad you got to enjoy the family.


Robert A

Nice squatting, the 225x20 at the end looks like a ballbuster.

[quote]Robert A wrote:

[quote]brotardscience wrote:
TRX face pulls
I can’t make these feel “right” for the life of me. Every time I think they are “almost” there, but the external rotation aspect is sort of “off”. Enough folks seem to like them though so I will try a few more times before I put them in “lead hand uppercut territory” and just come up with excuses why I don’t learn them.

Robert A[/quote]

That was funny, and I have to agree. Is there a pro fighter who actually does the “lead hand uppercut”?

I googled “strenf” and found that it is contagious, might have to post more in here…