Olympic Lifts in 'How I Added 100 Pounds to My Deadlift' Template

  1. it’s not a routine, it’s a template

  2. This has already been answered in the “Carbs cycling” thread:


Activation: Bench press with hanging KBs 3 sets of 5 with moderate weight

A. Bench press
Work uo to a technically solid 2RM
Lower weight by 20-30lbs and perform 2 reps EMOM for 10 minutes

B. Close-grip bench press
4 sets of 4 to 6

C. DB bench press
4 sets of 6 to 8

D1. Cable cross-over
3 x 8-10 reps

D2. Dips (no weight)
3 x max reps

D3. Push ups
3 x max reps

(D1 to D3 are a giant set)

E. Triceps work


Activation: Back squat either with hanging KBs or hip circle around knees 3 sets of 5 moderate weight

A. Back squat
Ramp to a technical solid 2RM
Lower weight by 20-30lbs and perform 2 reps EMOM for 10 minutes

B. Power clean + Front squat
4 sets of 2 power cleans + max reps front squats

C. Farmer’s walk
5 sets of 20-40m

D1. Leg extension
3 x 12-15 with 2 seconds squeeze at top

D2. Leg press / hack squat
3 x 10-12
(D1 and D2 are a superset)

E. Biceps work


Activation: Military press with hanging KBs 3 sets of 5 with moderate weight

A. Power clean + Push press
Work uo to a technically solid 2RM (clean, press, clean, press)
Lower weight by 20-30lbs and perform 2 reps EMOM for 10 minutes

B. Power clean from hang + Military press
4 sets of 3+3 (clean, press, clean, press, clean, press)

C. High incline DB press
4 sets of 6 to 8

D1. DB lateral raise
3 x 8-10 reps

D2. DB front raise
3 x 8-10 reps

D3. DB Arnold press
3 x 8-10 reps

(D1 to D3 are a mechanical drop set and use the same weight)

E. Triceps work


Activation: KB swings 3 x 10, hardstyle

A. Power clean
Ramp to a technical solid 2RM
Lower weight by 20-30lbs and perform 2 reps EMOM for 10 minutes

B. Deadlift
4 sets of 3 reps

C. SGHP from the hang or blocks
4 sets of 5 reps

D. Pull ups
4 sets of 6-8 reps

E1. Seated rows
3 sets of 8-10 with 2 seconds hold

E2. Face pull or band-pull apart
3 sets of 12-15 reps
(E1 and E2 being a superset)

NOTE: in this program I changed the order of both pressing sessions to avoid have the power clean done 2 days in a row without rest.