Not Another Routine Rating Thread

Yes. Another one. I know these posts are annoying, and I know there are tons of good routines out there, but I happen to be doing this one, and I’d just like some feedback, so I can feel good about what I’m doing and not have to worry about whether I could be doing something better. Thanks.

I’m really looking for some comments about the olympic lifting day because I have no idea how to set up an olympic day - sets, reps, %max, etc.

Weeks 1-3 accessories get heavier each week, 4-6 number of sets goes up each week, 7-9 number of reps goes up. Then, it starts over except squat 5rm instead of deadlift.

Weeks 1-3

Deadlift 5RM
Front Squat 3 x 8
Glute-Ham Raise 3 x 8
One-Legged Squats 3 x 8


Bench 5RM
Dumbbell Incline 3 x 8
Triceps 3 x 8
Bent Row 3 x 8
Kneeling Row 3 x 8


OH Squats 3 x 5
Snatch 3 x 3
Clean 3 x 3
Jerk 3 x 3


Bent Row 3 x 8
Kneeling DB Row 3 x 8
Military Press 3 x 8
Dips 3 x 8

Weight on accessory getting progressively heavier.

Weeks 4-6


Squats 3RM
SLDL 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Hyperextension 3 x 8
Walking Lunges 3 x 8


Bench 3RM
Dumbbell Incline 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Triceps 3 x 8
Bent Row 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Kneeling Row 3 x 8


OH Squats 3 x 5
Snatch 3 x 3
Clean 3 x 3
Jerk 3 x 3


Pull Ups 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Shoulder Raises 3 x 8
Military Press 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Dips 3 x 8

Weeks 7-9


Deadlift 1RM
Front Squat 3 x 8, 3 x 10, 3 x 12
Glute-Ham Raise 3 x 8
One-Legged Squats 3 x 8


Bench 1RM
Dumbbell Incline 3 x 8, 3 x 10, 3 x 12
Triceps 3 x 8
Bent Row 3 x 8, 3 x 10, 3 x 12
Kneeling Row 3 x 8


OH Squats 3 x 5
Snatch 3 x 3
Clean 3 x 3
Jerk 3 x 3


Pull Ups 3 x 8, 3 x 10, 3 x 12
Upright Row 3 x 8
Military Press 3 x 8, 3 x 10, 3 x 12
Dips 3 x 8

Hmm what jumps out to me is weeks 7-9 the 1RM DL you plan on pulling a max each week trying for a new PR. man thats rough one week id be loving it, week two I may pull a PR but man I would prob not have much fun, come week three id be cursing myself for even trying to pull a max DL three weeks in a row


well, i’m actually on week 8 right now, and i was able to get a PR weeks 7 and 8. we’ll see about 9.

That looks like a pretty cool routine man. What are your lifts at? How much have they improved so far in 8 weeks? Did you find that method effective for your accessory work? Was doing 8 weeks of benchpress at 5rm+ too much?

Right now Bench is at 205 up from 190, Deadlift 350 from 325, and I haven’t maxed out on squat, but 3 rep max is 255, and I weigh ~150. But, I didn’t max out right before I started this routine either.

As far as the accessory work, I don’t know.

The 8 weeks of bench wasn’t too much, but for weeks 4-6 I did decline bench.