[quote]cmryan_21 wrote:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]cmryan_21 wrote:
CT, what would be the best hand positioning for using the Bear complex? I tried using it today and I had adjust my hands wider when performing the back squats and btn thrusters. Then I had to readjust my hands inward for the power clean, front squat and thruster. Should I just stick to a wide grip or adjust intra-set when necessary? Btw, when I say wide grip I mean somewhere a little closer than halfway between a snatch grip and regular clean grip.[/quote]
It might indicate poor shoulder mobility. So I’d work on that instead of trying to mess up with your grip.
I personally use a very wide grip for cleans anyway, I believe that this is mechanically more efficient (can bring the bar closer to the hips at the moment of explosion) but it requires good external shoulder rotation mobility if you are to catch it properly into a correct front rack position.
If you are having issues with the Btn thrusters its either that your chest, anterior deltoids or internal rotators (most likely all of them) are tight and that needs to be addressed. [/quote]
That obvious huh lol. Well, what are some of the better methods to improving shoulder mobility? I noticed in one of your other threads that the rings dips you use at the end of sessions improved your shoulder mobility somewhat. I know that my shoulders will likely require much more than just that though.
I’d be ok using a wider clean grip for the power cleans and thrusters but a wide grip feels a little painful for front squats. I know my overall mobility is not great (or even good) but it has improved over the last few months and I thought I was ready to start using some of the olympic lifts. It would be a real buzz kill if I need to wait even longer. [/quote]
If a wide grip feels okay for cleans and thrusters but not for front squats it tells me that you are not racking your cleans properly. The bar should be deep against the throat and the elbows held up high.
As for mobility work, when I started reintegrating the olympic lifts this year I actually had to do close to 45 minutes of shoulder mobiity work on every workout. When you have limited range of motion and a long training experience, the problem will require an aggressive approach and will not be fixed overnight.
In the meantime I personally recommend against doing movements in which you cannot take optimal positions due to poor mobility because you will learn improper technique.