I’ve been interning with a strength coach here at school (Cal Poly), and some of the stuff we’ve gone over has raised questions. I asked the coach why exactly he does olympic lifting with athletes, and he gave me a couple of reasons.
One, the olympic lifts teach the body to move explosively. Two, it teaches the athlete to be able to sustain a load while in a low and awkward position. Three, it also develops body awareness and coordination. I question some of these reasons.
Moving explosively:
How much power is produced in a non-elite OLY lifter? If power output is not optimal, then what is the point?
Is the same (or greater) amount of power produced in a similar movement to the Clean or Snatch, such as tireflipping, speed pulls, DE Squats, etc? These lifts appear to be easier to learn, and time would be better served in improving strength/explosiveness rather than the ability to do the olympic lifts if power output is similar.
Catching the Load:
How important is it to be able to handle a load in a low position (this is esp. regarding football players). I can’t think of how this would carry over to sport. If this is something that is important, is it a skill better learned on the field than in the weight room?
Body Awareness/Coordination:
Once again, is this something that is better learned on the field? If not, how is OLY lifting superior to squats/deadlifts for example, in learning bodily control and coordination?
If you guys could give me some ideas/answers, I’d be much obliged.