Oly Lifts/Feet Position

My foot landing sucks in the bottom of the clean. I either split my feet to wide or split them uneven. I’ve backed off the weight and am trying to correct this.

I have noticed some lifter who simply start with a wider stance and don’t split their feet out at all on landing, especially in the snatch. Is this a good technique to use or a bit too unorthodox?

It depends on the lifter. Some are more flexible and can be stable with a narrow stance whereas others aren’t. I think it boils down to personal preference.

On the same topuic, how much can you turn the foots outwards before it is to much?

[quote]Lindow wrote:
On the same topuic, how much can you turn the foots outwards before it is to much?

if you do it too much you can’t squat, try it. Its really what is comfortable for you.

Concentrate on Jumping backwards when you explode. After you perfect this, your feet will land perfectly. I use to jump and split until I learned from Olympic lifters themselves. My power clean dramatically improved also. Jump Backwards!

Good Luck!