Oldtimer 531 Training


Generel Comment:

Below average training, but got shit done,but reduced assistance.

Still struggling with being exhausted by the c-19. I literally nod off at work several times.


Wup Sets

3 x 75kg

3 x 86,5 kg

8 x 98 kg

Front Squat:

3 x 5 x 47,5 kg

Good Mornings:

3 x 10 x 47,5 kg

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Wup : Mobility + stepups, a bit of abs, a bit of hip thrusts

Music : Parasite, Illdisposed(who I get to see live in feburary)

Generel comment:

Good training, even though I woke up with a head full of headache and snott. So I went outside, built a wood storage shed, chopped a bit of wood etc, to prep for winter. So FSL and assistance work was kept to 3 sets instead of 5, as I was a bit worn. Bougth at couple of kettlebells for my wife and tried out swings. I hope theyĀ“ll grow on me, I canĀ“t ignore the benefite other reap


Wup sets

5 x 67,5kg

3 x 76,5kg

10 x 85 kg

3 x 5 x 67,5kg(FSL)

Bench Press:

Wup sets

5 x 55 kg

3 x 63 kg

12 x 70 kg

3 x 5 x 55 kg(FSL)

Supersettet with:

Band pull a parts:

5 x 20 x black belt

Pendlay row:

3 x 10 x 60 kg

KB Swing:

3 x 10 x 12 kg

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Music : Parasite

General comment: Fast, good training.
Still made 15 repson the OHP, all felt good.
Started on Keto/LCHF, donĀ“t feel hungry or energydepleted.
Started at 144 kg, this morning 136,9, so nice and easy. Gonna make a status after the first10 kg, probably take of another 5 kg then. Goal is to be faster on my mtb and generel health



5x40 kg

5x44 kg

15x49 kg

3x5x40 kg FSL -ish

Supersettet with

Chest supported db row:

5 x 10 x 17,5 kg/side

Giantset consisting of :

Close grip bench press:

5x10x50 kg

Dumbell Curl :

5 x 10x14 kg/side


5 x 14x BW

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Wup: Misch.

Music: Slipknot

Generel comment : Fast, good training. No dikkedars, no trutteluts and absolutely no dingenoots.
I have to admit it felt good to pass 3 figures. ItĀ“s like this image you have of yourself in your head.
I am 49, but I donĀ“t feel anything near that figure.
I am Weak, but I donĀ“t feel anything near that. I just have to adapt and improve.


Wup sets

5 x 81,5 kg

3 x 92,5 kg

10 x 102,5 kg

Front Squat :

5 x 5 x 50 kg

Supersettet with

Good Mornings:

5 x 5 x 50 kg

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General Comment : deloading.

3 x 30 sec

5 x 40/45/50 kg

Bench Press:
5 x 35/40/45 kg

Pendley Row:
3 x 10 x 40 kg
Supersettet with

3 x 10 x 40 kg

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Deload training 2, random tutti frutti, not worth mentioning.


WUP : Coaching the wife, mobility, air squats

Music : Nails, LivlĆøs, Illdisposed, Jinjer

General comment : Good training, happy


Wup sets

5x61,5 kg

5 x 71,5 kg

10 x 81,5 kg

3 x 5 x 61,5 kg(FSL)

Bench Press:

5 x 50kg

5 x 57,5 kg

15 x 65 kg

3 x 5 x 50 kg(FSL)

Band Pull a parts (inbetween bench sets) :

5 x 20 x black band


5 x 5 x 47,5 kg

Pendley Rows:

5 x 8 x 62,5 kg

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Music : Life sick

General comment: bloated after dinner, but satisfied
Still made 15 reps on the OHP. all felt good.


5x35 kg

5x40 kg

15x45 kg

3x5x35 kg (FSL)

Close grip bench press:
5x10x52,5 kg

Supersettet with

Hammer Curl :
5 x 10 x 14,5 kg/side

DB Row:
15 x 25 kg
10 x 25 kg
10 x 25 kg

Supersettet with:

3 x 15 x BW

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Wup: Mobility, asian squat, step ups, foam roll

Music : Parasite, Marylin Manson(yes, true)

Generel Comment: Poor training, IĀ“m not good at training right after breakfast, but got it done.


Wup Sets

5 x 73 kg

5 x 86 kg

10 x 95 kg

Assistance, 5 giant sets of:

Front Squat:

5 x 5 x 52,5 kg

Good Mornings:

5 x 5 x 52,5 kg

Glute Bridges:
5 x 10 x bw


Music : Parasite

General Comment : Not much food today, but managed to make it through. We are still doing Keto. from 144kg to 135 kg, nice and easy over the last 2 months approximately.
Made 2 extra holes in a new leather belt, but allready to loose, to keep my pants high.
So I recon 12-15cm(5-6") of the waist.
Manboobs significantly smaller :slight_smile:

I am worn now, sƄ a couch relax and a good night sleep might hit a dry spot.


Wup sets

3 x 66,5 kg

3 x 76,5 kg

10 x 86,5 kg

3 x 5 x 66,5 kg(FSL)

Bench Press

Wup sets

3 x 55 kg

3 x 61,5 kg

12 x 69 kg

3 x 5 x 55 kg

Band Pull A Parts:

5 x 20 x black


5 x 5 x 50 kg

Pendlay Row:

3 x 8 x 65 kg



General comment:

Had a pain in my stomach so moved ab training til nex session.

Military press:

Wup Sets

3 x 38 kg

3 x 43 kg

15 x 48 kg

3 x 5 x 38 kg(FSL)

DB Row:

5 x 10 x 25 kg

Close Grip Bench Press:

5 x 10 x 55 kg

EZ bar curls:

5 x 10 x 33 kg


Man, am I feeling this. Just paid $75 for two new leather belts, and Iā€™m already punching holes in them. My weight belt has moved from hole 5 to hole 10, and now I need to drill a new hole in it too!

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General Comment: Busy, so a fast, but fine training. Thank you coffee for carrying my body.

Music : Illdisposed, danish metal


Wup sets

3 x 80 kg

3 x 90 kg

8 x 101,5 kg

5 giant sets:

Front Squat:

5 x 5 x 55 kg

Good Mornings:

5 x 5 x 55 kg

Glute bridge:

5 x 10


Music : Illdisposed

General Comment : Beat up( but managed training) after cleaning summer houses Sunday.

Yes itĀ“s true, with 5 kids and EVERYTHING gone up in prices, so weĀ“ll make a little extra money.


Wup sets

5 x 71,5 kg

3 x 81,5 kg

8 x 90 kg

5 x 71,5 kg back down set

Bench Press:

Wup sets

5 x 57,5 kg

3 x 65 kg

12 x 72,5 kg

5 x 57,5 kg back down set

Band Pull A Parts:

5 x 20 x black


5 x 5 x 52,5 kg

Pendlay Row:

5 x 5 x 67,5 kg

Music : Illdisposed

General comment : Ok, nothing more.



5x40,5 kg

3x46,5 kg

10 x 51,5 kg

3x5x40 kg (FSL)

Close grip bench press:

5x10x57,5 kg

Supersettet with

Hammer Curl :

5 x 10 x 15 kg/side

DB Row:

10 x 27,5 kg

10 x 27,5 kg

10 x27,5 kg

Supersettet with:


5 x 17 x BW


Music : Elitefts motivationalvideos(oh yes I said that)

General comment: Trying out Sumo instead of conventional deadlift. My back is not good with heavy deadlifts. IĀ“m super sore to the extend it effects my privatelife and worklife.

Giant set of 10 consecutive sets sure made me sweat

Sumo deadlift:

3x60 kg

3x70 kg

3x80 kg



3 x 100kg

8x60 kg

Giant set of:

Good Morning

5x5x57,5 kg


Close stance kb box squat:

5x10x12kg(+ bw.135kg)


Wup: Mobility, step ups,

Generel Comment : Went well all things considered, on the rear side of a cold.
Military Press :





5 x 36,5 back off set

Squat :

Wup sets.


5x 74kg



5 x 10 x 47,5kg

Inv Row aka fat man pullups :

7, 6, 5 reps

KB Goblet Squat:

3x10 x 12kg


General comment: Ok, experimented with som new exercises to my regime.

Music : Non

Bench Press





Band Pulla Parts:

5 x20x black band

DB Bench Press:

3x10x17,5 kg

Skull Crusher:

3 x 10x27,5kg

DB Curl:





Music : Illdisposed

General comment : Went well. Split squats are humbling, meand I gotte do them more. Now of to mother in law and the christmas waffel tradition :Waffels, whipped cream aand black berry jam

Sumo deadlift:

3x62,5 kg

3x72,5 kg

3x82,5 kg



Good Morning

5x5x60 kg


Bulg. Split Squat

4x8 @bw:134,2kg

Madcow 5x5 on try out

5x45kg, 5x57,5kg, 5x67,5kg, 5x67,5kg

Military press:
5x30kg, 5x35kg, 5x42,5kg, 5x47,5kg

5x60kg, 5x72,5kg, 5x82,5kg, 5x95kg


Rubber band row:
3x10xblack band

Torso rotation rubber band:
2 x 10/ side