Trying to get my strength back, leaving my ego alone at start with 531 beginners.
Goal is strength back, bit of blubber of, healthy life
I intend to switch to strongman training soon, still with a 531 foundation.
Week1 - Day 1
Warm up, Chrunch 3 x 10
Warm up, Hip Thrusts 3 x 10
Squat 531 5 x 55,6 -5 x 64,1-5 x 13 x 72,7kg
Squat FSL 5 x 5 x 55,6kg
Bench Press 531 5 x 46,8 – 5 x 54,0-14 x 61,2 kg
Bench Press FSL 5 x 5 x 46,8kg
Tricep Extension rubber band(Push) 15 + 15+15+20 reps
Db Row(Pull) 22.5 kg 10+15+15+13 reps
DB Swings(Single leg/core) 12,5 kg 10+15+15+15 reps
Deadlift 531 5 x 61,4 – 5 x 70,9 – 10 x 80,3kg
Deadlift FSL 5 x 5 x 61,4kg
OHP 531 5 x 32,2- 5 x 37,1 - 15 x 42,1
OHP FSL 5 x 5 x 32,2 kg
Close Grip Bench Press (Push) 15 +13+13+14 x 40 kg
Hammer Curls(Pull) 15+15+13+13 x 12,5 kg
Plank (Single leg/core) 3 set of 25 sec
Started with laying bricks outside, then chopping a lot of wood, then lunch and training
Warm up, Chrunch 3 x 10
Warm up, Hip Thrusts 3 x 10
Bench Press 531 5 x 47,5 – 5 x 55,0 - 16 x 61,5kg
Bench Press FSL 5 x 5 x 47,5kg
Squat 531 5 x 57,5 - 5 x 65-5 - 14 x 72,5kg
Squat FSL 5 x 5 x 57,5kg
DB press(Push) 50 reps x 12,5 kg a side
Pull a parts: 50 reps x black band
GM(Single leg/core) :50reps x 50 kg
Content, but db shoulder presses after Bench pres was too much. Not quality work. Will substitute with som tricep isolation work.
Squat session has been postponet a couple of days.
Been feeling down, under the weather.
Tomorrow I´ll go get a Covid-19 test just op be sure, even thou I only think it´s a cold.
It´s season for it anyhow.
Well fortunately it was negative, so that´s positive.
Squats & Bench later tonight.
Pre work out : 2 mugs og coffee + 1 large Bic Mac meal.
Once again confirmed, this is a dry, tasteless, boring burger.
Music : I let Spotify surprice me.
Good training, I have plenty of power, but gotta be cool and progress slowly toward old times glory
Ouch, my sympathy, man! Went through that back in my 30’s, including one that had to be surgically removed, too big for lithotripsy, thing looked like a piece of staghorn coral! This is the reason I drink like 17 (may be hyperbole, I don’t actually count) bottles of water per day. Getting up in the middle of the night to pee is a small price to never have to go through that again!
Wow, fortunately mine doesn´t require surgery. And the come very seldom, years apart, but the pain when they are here is definately very humbling, like you know.
Head supported Barbell Row
5 x 10 x 40 kg Supersettet with
DB Side Bend
5 x 10 x 22,5 kg
Last 3 exercises done as a giant set. Still working to find a setup getting med sufficient assistance work, but no more than that, and something I´m able to do fast.
Now a shower, then making some brioche buns.
Joined a burgerpage om FB, where the owner set out to copy all of McDonalds burgers, only in a better quality. The Big Mac was great, and today we try the Mcchicken(cruched corn flakes as bread crumbs) and allegedly he has nailed the right Mc Chicken sauce.
I do like a good burger, a cold beer, and a hot horny BBW