Oldtimer 531 Training


Comment: Felt drained today, a really hot day, but got the most important training done.
Currently being checked for sleep apnea, today i got a sleep monitor home with me.
Gotta sleep connected tonight, and tomorrow I´ll go to the doctor again to discuss the readings.
Hope I find a solution, cause being this tired and drained all the time isn´t what I call a life.

Music : Slaughter To Prevail.


Wup sets:


3x50 kg

10x55 kg

Close Grip Bench Press

5 sets of 10 @ 61,5kg/each

EZ Bar Curl :

5 sets of 10 @ 30

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Coming of rehab after bike crash, where I hurt my ribs.

Slowly returning to a pain free life. Hate feeling disabled

Dead lift

5´s Pro

5 x 40kg, 5 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 100 Kg

Giant Set:


10 x 20kg, 8x30kg, 8x35kg, 5 x 40kg

Front Squat:

10 x 20kg, 8x30kg, 8x35kg, 5 x 40kg

Good morning:

10 x 20kg 8x30kg, 8x35kg,5 x 40kg

Res. Band Row :

4 sets of 10 x Blue band

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Power Cleans is definitely a place where I must practice a lot.

Power Cleans:

5x40kg, 5x40kg, 5 x 40 kg


5x40kg, 5x50kg, 5x60kg, 5x70kg, 5x80kg, 3x85kg,1x90kg, 1x95kg, 1x100kg ,1x105kg

Zercher Squat:

3 sets of 5x40 kg

Skull Crusher EZ:

5 sets of 15 @ 20 kg

SS With (Same Weight)

EZ Bar Curls:

5 sets of 15 @ 20 kg

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Very pleased, with going from zero energy, but getting it done.

Training is going better each time, that is a comfort, but shit

Dead lift:

5´s Pro

5x42,5kg, 5x52,5kg, 5x62,5kg, 5x72,5kg, 5x82,5kg, 5x92,5kg, 5x102,5kg

Giant Set :

Military Press:

8x22,5kg, 8x32,5kg, 8x37,5kg, 5 x 42,5kg

Front SQ :

8x22,5kg, 8x32,5kg, 8x37,5kg, 5 x 42,5kg

Good Morning:

8x22,5kg, 8x32,5kg, 8x37,5kg, 5 x 42,5kg

Res. Band Row:

Blue , 5 sets of 10

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Still pain from ribcage, but got it done. Pain in shoulder made me fail last set.


5´spro 10x22,5kg, 10x30 kg, 5x40kg, 5x50kg, 5x55kg, 1x60kg

Face Pulls:

6 sets of 10 @ Red band

Barbell Row :

5 sets of 10: 10x40kg, 10x50kg, 10x60kg,10x70kg, 10x75kg

Close Grip Bench :

5 sets of 10 : 10x40kg, 10x50kg, 10x50kg, 10x50kg, 10x50kg

EZ Bar Curls:

5 sets of 10 : 10x20kg, 10x30kg, 10x30kg, 10x30kg, 10x30kg.



Happy with getting training in, despite lack of energy.


5 sets of 10 @ bw

Glute Bridge:

5 sets of 10 @ bw

Hang Clean:

3 sets of 4 @ 40 kg

Squat :

5´s pro + FSL

8x40 kg - wup

8x50kg - wup



5x 82,5kg

5 sets of 5 @ 62,5kg (FSL)

Dumbell RDL :

5 sets of 10 @ 14 kg dumbells

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Yeah, I’m there with you, hate the feel of coming off a long layoff, although I didn’t have the injury excuse this last time, I just let myself get busy and the excuses piled up. Your program has a lot in common with mine, looks like. I’ll be following!

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You are welcome, and yes that sounds familiar. I have 5 kids, and every time one was born, there was a break in my training. I´m blaming my self


Went ok. Utilize supersets a lot, to get done in a reasonable time.

Music : LIVLØS (Lifeless), a danish heavy metal band I´ll go to hear live Friday with my wife and our middle son 15 y.o. Probably won´t get much done Saturday.

Dead lift:

5´s Pro

5x45kg, 5x55kg, 5x65kg, 5x75kg, 5x85kg, 5x95kg, 5x105kg

Supersettet with

Res. Band Row:

Blue band , 7 sets of 12

Front SQ :

5 sets of 5 @45 kg

Supersettet with

Good Morning:

5 sets of 8 @45 kg



Happy with training. Bit of shoulderpain, but that decreased during warm up.

My wife(I coach her) trained before me, and broke her Sumo DL pr with 5 kg, so happy days.

Musik :Kataklysm.

Preworkout : Was Breakfast,consisting of overnight oats(Greek youghurt, Shia seeds, oats, vanilla protein powder and milk) and a pot of plunger jug coffee.


5´spro 10x5kg, 10x30 kg,10x35kg, 5x42,5kg, 5x52,5kg, 5x57,55kg

Face Pulls:

5 sets of 10 @ Red band

Resistance Band Row :

5 sets of 10@ Blue Band

Close Grip Bench :

1 set of 10 @ 40kg, 4 sets of 10@52,5

EZ Bar Curls:

1 set of 10 @ 30 kg, 4 sets of 10@32,5



Not the best training, got a pain in the lower back, so I only did 2 sets of my First Set Last(FSL) sets. Did lots of stretching at the end, back feels fine again.


5 sets of 10 @ bw

Hip Thrusts:

5 sets of 10 @ bw

Step Ups:

3 sets of 10/side

Squat :

5´s pro + FSL

5x40 kg - wup

8x50kg – wup

3x60kg- wup




2 sets of 5 @ 62,5kg (FSL)

Dumbell RDL :

2 sets of 10 @ 14 kg dumbells



Training went well, despite being right after breakfast. I prefer to train in the afternoon, with a few more meals under the belt.
Now there is 2,5L paint waiting for me to be removed, in my workshop. Fortunately both the Mopeds and my MTB got it :roll_eyes:

Music: Kataklysm

Preworoout: Breakfast, oatmeal(semi milk + 1 scoop vanilla whey as sweetener), water and coffee.


531Dynamic setup, that’s 5 sets of 2, 1 single and a 1+ single

5 sets of 2@80 kg

1 set of 1@92,5kg

1 set of 11@97,5kg

Front Squat:

5 sets of 50 kg

Good Mornings:

5 sets of 50 kg