So my dad is 59 years old, 6’8", and very out of shape. I’m at a loss of how to help him. He’s been going on 3 mile “jogs” to help, but that can’t be good for his knees(he’s very overweight). I would love to introduce him to weight training, but I’m younger and clueless how to help. Any advice for a weight training program for a completely untrained, out of shape older man?
You’ve probably considered this already, but I’ll mention it anyway–make sure he gets clearance from his physician before undertaking any sort of strenuous exercise regimen. Given his age and habitus, he may be at significant risk of an acute coronary event.
More than anything, he needs to be motivated.
Find or create motivation for him. Otherwise it will be short lived. Exercise in general is much harder as we age and it takes strong internal motivation to stick with it.
Maybe a trade - I’ll do X for you, if you walk a couple miles every other day and go to the gym twice a week for me.
If he’s running 3 miles at a pop, sounds like he’s already motivated. That’s not pleasant for someone who’s overweight. What are his goals? Is he trying to shed some flab? Make sure diet is in place. Point out that more muscle means more calorie burning.
I’m 53 and 6’5". Just starting back (five months now) after a long layoff. A little running for a bit just to get some wind strength back is not a bad idea but after this I would advise him to stop or slow down on the running and get to the gym. Do full body workouts three days a week. Most importantly, has to get diet in order. I have been on the leangains program for the past month and it is working wonders for me (mostly to do with the fact that I was never a big breakfast person anyway).
Has to start slow and use perfect form in the gym. I didn’t and have a little golfers’ elbow issue. We all have time for television, ipads, iphones and other bullshit, there are no excuses not to be in the gym for 45-60 minutes three days a week. Everybody has issues and excuses but you don’t want to go to your grave without seeing your children and grandchildren grow up.
Some have issues with being seen in the gym (they are going to make fun of me or I don’t lift enough). Fuck’em. Do you own thing and don’t worry about what others think (most will respect you, at least those that you should give a second of your time to anyway). As trite as it sounds, you just have to do it, get off your ass and do it. Once your in the routine and doing it, it becomes a part of you.
And finally, take him with you. I have three daughters and they go with me sometime (that’s my primary motivation, staying in shape to kick the hell out of boys that go near my girls).
Buy him a recumbant bike. Jogging is not a safe way to improve in his situation. Each month he can shave of half an inch, maybe more, from his waist line just using it many times daily(in front of TV with a magnetic resistance it is real silent). Also each time he can find 4 minutes or more. 400$ including tax is what i paid in Canada (new with proper shopping) and it is rated 300 pounds user and with 16 resistance levels it can be used for rehab/getting back in shape/Tabata-HIIT etc for years.
I lost 10 pounds in 10 weeks with my regular food intake but big guys lose faster.
Obviously proper quality eating is a must(real foods, not processed).
Do not be fooled he is a tiny fragile man. He is simply carrying much garbage.
Swimming and fast walks are other safe options.
Maybe variety will suit him finding a park/nice area to enjoy his positive activities
If he enjoys football 4 games weekly he might watch and pedal and some commercials do a variety of pushups, shoulders press with 2 liters bottle of water. He does not need a large investment. Watch the game with him and it might be the trick to get him in the habit. You might do things together at the commercials and game time you alternate using the bike.
Maybe birdwatching walking allday with a healthy lunch.
When he was younger what did he enjoyed?
Well you now have my 2 canadians pennies(we stopped using them months back).
just get him moving as many days per week as possible. walking is best for him most likely. lifecycle would also be good…get moving and make little diet changes one at a time…such as no mayo, no butter. no added sugar and salt…etc.and drink more water.