Okey so I decided to start a log to get some feedback on mine and my training buds training.
Mine maxes:
bw 82-84
clean and jerk : 95kg
Power snatch : 65kg
his :
bw around 70
clean and jerk 80kg
snatch 50kg x2, altohugh he is good for more
We bouth just turned 17 and have set a goal to win the swedish champion ship in Ol. we have 3 years to increase each lift with around 40-50kg. We’ve done Olympic lifting seriously now for about 3 weeks.
Currently we are atempting a program that we designed our self, we train 6 days a week and 2 times a day on most days.
I have no log for yesterdays workout but here is todays
A.M Workout
Box jumps, not to high today, didnt feel to explosive
Snatch ( technique work )
40kg x7x3 . some sets for him was with 45 and some of mine was 50, but we decided to cut back to 40 because form wasnt to impressive, also our broomstick at the gym was gone so we had big trouble to get the barbell to the right spot overhead.
snatch grip deadlift 140% of snatch max, atempting to keep a straing back while lifting as much as possible with the legs.
His: 80kg x3,x3,x3,x4
Mine: 95kg x3,x3,x3,x4
Clean grip deadlift 110% of max clean and jerk, same here, focusing on the legs and geting into a good position for the second pull
his : 90kg
mine : 107.5kg
Then we went to bath for 3hours, I guese we where abit to active, should’ve relaxed more because we where spent after.
Clean and jerk 70, 75, 80%
40kg x2
60kg x2,x2
65kg x2,x2
67.5kg x2,x2
Mine (all powercleans, was to stiff to get any real depth)
40kg x2,x2
67.5kg x2,x2
72.5kg x2,x2
77.5kg x2,x2
Clean high pull 90% of max clean and jerk
his : 70kg x2,x2,x2
Mine : 85kg x2,x2,x2
This day was pretty tough, I feel pretty banged up, and I guese he does aswell, shoulders is starting to take a beating aswell as my hips.