I have been doing OH Squats for about a year off and on. I never had any trouble doing them, just tried them and they felt good so I kept on doing them. I have a bum right shoulder, and the OH Squat actually feels good for it. I have worked up to doing 235x1 ATG and I love them. I usually do them before any of my clean/snatch variations due to them making my shoulder warmed up afterwards. I have to use wrist wraps above 185 though. I find that the wraps help with the “stable” feeling when I’m in the hole.
My goal is to do 200x10, I’m close but I need to dedicate myself to it a bit more. Maybe I’ll see if I can get a video of it. I know that at Crossfit they do OH Squats quite a bit and they learn with sticks/PVC, but I find that it is a helluva lot harder to do with no weight than with a moderate weight on the olympic bar. Overall, I think it is a stellar exercise and I love the looks you get when the soccer moms see you doing them.
[quote]Coolhand wrote:
I have been doing OH Squats for about a year off and on. I never had any trouble doing them, just tried them and they felt good so I kept on doing them. I have a bum right shoulder, and the OH Squat actually feels good for it. I have worked up to doing 235x1 ATG and I love them. I usually do them before any of my clean/snatch variations due to them making my shoulder warmed up afterwards. I have to use wrist wraps above 185 though. I find that the wraps help with the “stable” feeling when I’m in the hole.
My goal is to do 200x10, I’m close but I need to dedicate myself to it a bit more. Maybe I’ll see if I can get a video of it. I know that at Crossfit they do OH Squats quite a bit and they learn with sticks/PVC, but I find that it is a helluva lot harder to do with no weight than with a moderate weight on the olympic bar. Overall, I think it is a stellar exercise and I love the looks you get when the soccer moms see you doing them. [/quote]
Do you snatch the weight first, and then overhead squat it? I’m working up to a bodyweight snatch (200 lb), so I can snatch 185 and squat it for 5. 235 is impressive. Even more if you take it off of the floor.
I have never tried to snatch it first at any weight. I bring it out like a front squat and press it up to postion mostly. At the higher weights I set it in the top position of the half rack (not enclosed) and set up in the top postion of the OH Squat and then stand up and back it out. Upon completing the rep I then only have to walk in and squat about 8 inches to rack it again. I have never tried the snatch first, because I use it to limber up my shoulder so that I can do the snatch/clean movement properly and pain free. The 235 I have only push pressed about 4 times at seperate sessions, and then I started to worry that I was expending too much energy and time getting is set. I would have to use a shoulder-width press to get it into position to OHS, and then walk my hands out to a snatch grip about 2 inches away from either collar before I begin the OHS.
[quote]Coolhand wrote:
I have never tried to snatch it first at any weight. I bring it out like a front squat and press it up to postion mostly. At the higher weights I set it in the top position of the half rack (not enclosed) and set up in the top postion of the OH Squat and then stand up and back it out. Upon completing the rep I then only have to walk in and squat about 8 inches to rack it again. I have never tried the snatch first, because I use it to limber up my shoulder so that I can do the snatch/clean movement properly and pain free. The 235 I have only push pressed about 4 times at seperate sessions, and then I started to worry that I was expending too much energy and time getting is set. I would have to use a shoulder-width press to get it into position to OHS, and then walk my hands out to a snatch grip about 2 inches away from either collar before I begin the OHS. [/quote]
Consider the snatch balance as an alternative to the snatch grip push press also. I’ve found that it realy makes you work on the lockout and you don’t have to do a push press PR to get the weight up so you can do some OHS’s.
This is a great thread!
I’m learning a ton.
Any drawbacks to ‘hands at the collars’ grip?
It’s comfortable for me and I find that pressing outwards helps my shoulder stability.
I’m going to try the snatch balance to get the bar overhead during my next OHS session. Push pressing the bar in the snatch grip just kills my shoulders, and walking the hands out to the snatch position after pressing the bar overhead just seems to be too unstable. I don’t know why I never thought of the snatch balance, thanks.
[quote]BH6 wrote:
I’m going to try the snatch balance to get the bar overhead during my next OHS session. Push pressing the bar in the snatch grip just kills my shoulders, and walking the hands out to the snatch position after pressing the bar overhead just seems to be too unstable. I don’t know why I never thought of the snatch balance, thanks.[/quote]
I didn’t know that was what you were doing…stop! Seriously though, that is pretty unsafe with 200+ lbs overhead, when I was talkign about pushpressing I assumed we both meant snatch grip push pressing. My bad, yes definitely give the snatch balance a try with lighter weights but I definitely like using the snatch balance method over the snatch grip push press method.
[quote]Pauli D wrote:
This is a great thread!
I’m learning a ton.
Any drawbacks to ‘hands at the collars’ grip?
It’s comfortable for me and I find that pressing outwards helps my shoulder stability.
There are a few lines of thinking when it comes to how wide your hands should be with the snatch grip.
Here are 3:
Wide enough so that the bar is 6-8 inches above you head.
Shoulder dislocate (the motion not the injury) width
Wider is better (yes like the car commercial)
I tend to do something between 1 and 2, I find that an ultrawide grip for me on snatch is uncomfortable for my wrists.
Thanks for the tips!
The wider I go -the more ‘stable’ the movement is as a whole. It’s reassuring to know I’m “doing it right.”
[quote]Backlash79 wrote:
Pauli D wrote:
This is a great thread!
I’m learning a ton.
Any drawbacks to ‘hands at the collars’ grip?
It’s comfortable for me and I find that pressing outwards helps my shoulder stability.
There are a few lines of thinking when it comes to how wide your hands should be with the snatch grip.
Here are 3:
Wide enough so that the bar is 6-8 inches above you head.
Shoulder dislocate (the motion not the injury) width
Wider is better (yes like the car commercial)
I tend to do something between 1 and 2, I find that an ultrawide grip for me on snatch is uncomfortable for my wrists.[/quote]