This is the go-to template round here…
This hardcore advice about training and life for young Jim Wendler might just be the same advice you need to hear right now. So listen up, get fired up, and get to work! Dear Young Jim Wendler, You’ve been lifting for about six months now. I...
Templates in this thread excellent also…
Assuming a 20 weeks off-season…
Obviously this is just a blueprint. I DO NOT like to plan a program so far in advance because we can’t predict exactly how the body will progress. For example if we decide to spend on phase of 4 weeks to improve a specific capacity and after those 4 weeks the problem is not solved, then we have to change the plan and continue on with the phase.
A smart coach is the one who can make the best adjustments, not the one who can write down the best program.
This is o…
Whatever you do throw in some vertical pulling like lat pulldowns/chin ups etc. I’m presuming you have them do some rear delt/shoulder prehab work somewhere also.