Class of 09 strikes again.
push MMF with Ainsley Earhardt?
[quote]dmaddox wrote:
Check out Fox Business News. A lot of eye candy.[/quote]
Dagen McDowell… Yum yum.
Beck’s show from yesterday:,
The Andy Stern clips are a must see. Obama named him and SEIU during the campaign as among those who would literally write policy in his administration. Stern has also visited the whitehouse more often than any other human being on Earth since Obama’s occupation:,
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Trivia: my little brother used to date Fox’s Shannon Bream.[/quote]
Nice. Although, that pic is kind of odd looking. She looks better on the magic box.
[quote]blake2616 wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Trivia: my little brother used to date Fox’s Shannon Bream.[/quote]
Nice. Although, that pic is kind of odd looking. She looks better on the magic box.[/quote]
She has a magic box?
I’m serious with this statement. If you follow fox news (supposedly fact based from 9am-4pm and 6-8pm then other than that its opinion) you are a brainwashed moron. Fair and balanced show with that blond chick, who’s only good for taking it in the mouth, is anything but fair and balanced. I mean its constructed bs they feed you people.
This is why 27< crowd for the most part doesnt watch that crap, or listen to Hannity (who plays video clips that dont correspond to the story for purposes of pulling the wool over your heads). The 27< Jon Stewart crowd isnt your savviest crowd but you cant dispute how Jon dissects the absurdity that occurs on fox news.
[quote]SickAbs wrote:
I’m serious with this statement. If you follow fox news (supposedly fact based from 9am-4pm and 6-8pm then other than that its opinion) you are a brainwashed moron. Fair and balanced show with that blond chick, who’s only good for taking it in the mouth, is anything but fair and balanced. I mean its constructed bs they feed you people.
This is why 27< crowd for the most part doesnt watch that crap, or listen to Hannity (who plays video clips that dont correspond to the story for purposes of pulling the wool over your heads). The 27< Jon Stewart crowd isnt your savviest crowd but you cant dispute how Jon dissects the absurdity that occurs on fox news. [/quote]
Wait til you are in your 30’s and you have your career going, when you realize that much of your tax money is wasted on useless bullshit. From what I see about today’s youth, I seriously worry about our future.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Wait til you are in your 30’s and you have your career going, when you realize that much of your tax money is wasted on useless bullshit. From what I see about today’s youth, I seriously worry about our future. [/quote]
Its like you said, wait till they have to pay for stuff. Once that happens peoples idea’s change.
Fox is without a doubt the best news channel.
[quote]John S. wrote:
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Wait til you are in your 30’s and you have your career going, when you realize that much of your tax money is wasted on useless bullshit. From what I see about today’s youth, I seriously worry about our future. [/quote]
Its like you said, wait till they have to pay for stuff. Once that happens peoples idea’s change.
Fox is without a doubt the best news channel.[/quote]
Then why do they use deception and completely biased commentary to convey their message? Karl fucking rove is a part of fox news. That should throw up a red flag right there. The man who was behind lying to the world about Iraq’s wmd’s is a correspondent on your news channel? My God open your eyes people. I find it hysterical that all these people who caused this clusterfuck are the people you look to for your facts/ how we should progress further. WTF.
Any of you right wing conservatives watch the daily show? I mean every single day Fox news’ deception and idiocy is pointed out and none of you have any response for it…Probably because you only watch fox and listen to hannity/glenn beck/rush limburgerfatass (I watch and listen to everything except glenn beck because he’s just a nutjob).
Getting back to Iraq, I will always credit Bush with removing Sadaam and his sadistic sons. They were some of the greatest human rights desecrators of all time. Just the lies behind invading and starting the war I can not except.
[quote]John S. wrote:
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Wait til you are in your 30’s and you have your career going, when you realize that much of your tax money is wasted on useless bullshit. From what I see about today’s youth, I seriously worry about our future. [/quote]
Its like you said, wait till they have to pay for stuff. Once that happens peoples idea’s change.
Fox is without a doubt the best news channel.[/quote]
Do you consider CNBC a news channel?
[quote]polo77j wrote:
[quote]John S. wrote:
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
Wait til you are in your 30’s and you have your career going, when you realize that much of your tax money is wasted on useless bullshit. From what I see about today’s youth, I seriously worry about our future. [/quote]
Its like you said, wait till they have to pay for stuff. Once that happens peoples idea’s change.
Fox is without a doubt the best news channel.[/quote]
Do you consider CNBC a news channel? [/quote]
The only thing good about CNBC is the occasional gift they give to their viewers called Peter Schiff.
[quote]SickAbs wrote:
Then why do they use deception and completely biased commentary to convey their message? Karl fucking rove is a part of fox news. That should throw up a red flag right there. The man who was behind lying to the world about Iraq’s wmd’s is a correspondent on your news channel? My God open your eyes people. I find it hysterical that all these people who caused this clusterfuck are the people you look to for your facts/ how we should progress further. WTF.
Any of you right wing conservatives watch the daily show? I mean every single day Fox news’ deception and idiocy is pointed out and none of you have any response for it…Probably because you only watch fox and listen to hannity/glenn beck/rush limburgerfatass (I watch and listen to everything except glenn beck because he’s just a nutjob).
Getting back to Iraq, I will always credit Bush with removing Sadaam and his sadistic sons. They were some of the greatest human rights desecrators of all time. Just the lies behind invading and starting the war I can not except. [/quote]
You realize that Clintion was bombing Iraq on a weekly basis right? You should open your eyes to the fact that Iraq was given to us by both parties.
Glenn beck is the one you should be listening too, not very American of you calling a guy who spends his show quoting the founding fathers as a nut job.
Spend 1 week watching Glenn Beck and I guarantee you will have a different opinion. Stop watching the socialist Jon Stewart.
[quote]John S. wrote:
<<< You should open your eyes to the fact that Iraq was given to us by both parties. >>>[/quote]
Iraq, at least this version, was given to us by GHWB, Colin Powell and the UN. If they had let Schwartzkopf kill Hussein during desert storm, Iraqi freedom would not have been necessary. Launching that operation under UN resolutions should have been an eternal lesson. I still have Stormin Norman on tape somewhere at a post war press conference saying that they had Saddam pinned down and could have taken him out, but the UN rules of engagement forbade it.
I’ll the same thing about Glenn Beck I’ve been saying all along, well since I started watching him. He is not perfect, but he is absolutely correct about what is going on and why.
Sickabs - do you watch the other news stations and consider them objective?
Fabulous short interview with Glenn Beck and Judge Andrew Napolitano:
The Lies the Government Told You,