
Anyone seen it? Really funny. Never knew Rupert Murdoch owns the world and most likely me.

What am I kidding by most likley…

Saw it – it was good in the sense that he provided some stats and some analysis, but mostly it just drove home what anyone with a head on their shoulders can see for themselves.

How do you like those memos from the top urging FOXers to emphasize certain spinnable points?


Those memos are classic. I wish I had a media empire. Then again a boy can dream…

I watched some of FOX coverage today about the debate. Appearently Kerry only won the debate by a tiny slight margin if not actually lost.

The spin by everyone today is making me nauseous.

ZEB Outfoxed is a title of a recent documentary about fox news. Fox tried to get it banned because it used alot of Fox news coverage to make a point. Freedom o’ speech won out.

Freedom of speech should always win out!

“Not so” says Bill O’Reilly

Fox News just posted a fake story about John Kerry on it’s website.

If we use the rabid Bushies attitudes about Dan Rather as a benchmark, Fox News has zero credibility.

“Fox News Pulls Item With Fake Kerry Quotes”

Gee, all CBS needs to do is say that the memos were just Dan Rather’s “poor attempt at humor” and all will be forgiven.

[quote]Lumpy wrote:

“Fox News Pulls Item With Fake Kerry Quotes”


That was funny.

Heres some “facts”.

Fox came to light in the mid 90’s with low expectations.Everybody bashed the hell out of them. CNN, MSNBC, etc. This week a report was released that showed fox news beat all other cable news outlets combined in evening ratings. I think the estimated numbers were 1.74 m for Fox and 1.34 m for all other networks.

I thought that was funny. No matter how much the people that hate fox try to take them down, they can’t.

Outfoxed? Yes, in the ratings…

Fox is good at entertainment but not at reporting the news in a factual unbiased sense.

The point of the documentary is that Fox is horribly biased and not that it blows at making money.

[quote]chrisrock wrote:
Heres some “facts”.

Fox came to light in the mid 90’s with low expectations.Everybody bashed the hell out of them. CNN, MSNBC, etc. This week a report was released that showed fox news beat all other cable news outlets combined in evening ratings. I think the estimated numbers were 1.74 m for Fox and 1.34 m for all other networks.

I thought that was funny. No matter how much the people that hate fox try to take them down, they can’t.

Outfoxed? Yes, in the ratings…[/quote]

Where is your correlation between good journalism (which I’m guessing you think FOX is) and good ratings?

Outfoxed is available at Best Buy for about $8. I’m pissed that I spent $4 just to rent it.

If you want to see it, buy it.

[quote]Soco wrote:

Fox is good at entertainment but not at reporting the news in a factual unbiased sense.


As opposed to the objective and unbiased leftist “news outlets” such as ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, NPR?

FOX doesn’t take a leftist view on the news and are thus torn to shreds? That makes no sence at all.


[quote]Soco wrote:
“Not so” says Bill O’Reilly [/quote]

What are you taling about?


[quote]Right Side Up wrote:
chrisrock wrote:
Heres some “facts”.

Fox came to light in the mid 90’s with low expectations.Everybody bashed the hell out of them. CNN, MSNBC, etc. This week a report was released that showed fox news beat all other cable news outlets combined in evening ratings. I think the estimated numbers were 1.74 m for Fox and 1.34 m for all other networks.

I thought that was funny. No matter how much the people that hate fox try to take them down, they can’t.

Outfoxed? Yes, in the ratings…

Where is your correlation between good journalism (which I’m guessing you think FOX is) and good ratings?[/quote]

Left that out…

Point is more people tune into Fox because they think there is superior journalism and commentary.

ok. Maybe so, but doubtful. Outfoxed points to the screaming talking heads and the ‘wrestling-like’ entertainment quality of it’s evening show line-up.

Face it, watching an O’Reilly interview is akin to watching Monday Night Raw (if that’s even on anymore…? you get the point!)

Check out the movie, it’s worth it.

[quote]Right Side Up wrote:
ok. Maybe so, but doubtful. Outfoxed points to the screaming talking heads and the ‘wrestling-like’ entertainment quality of it’s evening show line-up.

Face it, watching an O’Reilly interview is akin to watching Monday Night Raw (if that’s even on anymore…? you get the point!)

Check out the movie, it’s worth it. [/quote]

Hey man, I don’t disagree with you there. It gets real intense watching O’Reilly and someone argue it out. But Hannity and Colmes puts him to shame in debating arguments. Those guys almost box with guests and each other. That shit is so damn funny.

Fact is people like what they see on fox more then the other networks. That’s my point. :slight_smile:

Sigh, another way to destroy democracy is to blur the distinction between entertainment and objectivity. This is not a left vs right comment. Think about it.

Important things are often confusing and boring…