this guy needs to get his ass kicked.
Power trip?
Fat guy with skinny arms, I hope he got his ass beat by some teenager.
this guy needs to get his ass kicked.
Power trip?
Fat guy with skinny arms, I hope he got his ass beat by some teenager.
and again?
this guy has issues and really should not be wearing a uniform
I would of snapped. He wouldn’t of been bullying a teen weightlifter around. He’d be too busy trying to protect his power tripping ego from getting it’s ass kicked. So of course he picks on the 13 year old kid skating.
what kind of Dbag gets an ego trip from beign a cop? YOU HAVE NO REAL AUTHORITY. YOU’RE A PUBLIC SERVANT.
[quote]Nich wrote:
and again?
this guy has issues and really should not be wearing a uniform
Suspended with pay? How do they actually use that as a punishment with a straight face?
A question for all of you:
if that kid who got tackled was your little brother, would you have fucked up the cop?
[quote]Magnate wrote:
Nich wrote:
and again?
this guy has issues and really should not be wearing a uniform
Suspended with pay? How do they actually use that as a punishment with a straight face?[/quote]
I have no idea
I dont get that either
a police officer messes up hurts someone,misuses his power,kills someone whatever
they get to go home and still get paid untill they do there internal thing which no one knows about the outcome anyways,its always hush hush.
but if I would do the same thing I would loose my job,go to jail, my ass would be in the news loose my family and house due to the fact I lost my job.
yet these people say that no one is above the law
sure looks like cops are above the law to me.
I had a problem with an officer in washington state.
guy was out of control he damaged my car,yell at he,hit me,I mean it was horrible.
I pressed the issuecomes to find out his boss was a childhood friend of his dad another cop.
the boss was head of IA,he told me that I was not entitled to damages done to my car.
mental distress to my young daughter who is now scared to death of anyone in uniforms,they are bad men that yell alot and hurt daddy to her.
and I was also being harrassed by his little friends tha twas watching my house for weeks on end for turning in one of the boys.
I had the whole thing on tape too btw
this man is still at work today doing the same shit.
and to answer your question NO I would not
police officers are indeed above the law
they are supermen if a cop hits you he is in the right no mater what
if you hit him you are in prison no questions asked.
whats even worse is around here it is so easy to be a cop.
I had a problem and I called out the sherriffs,these dicks were younger than me,fresh faced 24-26 year olds and they were morons.
come to find out alot of departments now will no doubt hire you if you have a clean record and they throw you right in no questions if you have recent millitary service.
so you have idiots that served a couple years in the service because they wanted an easy education out there risking the publics safety because the world thinks that if you have a uniform of any kind you are a god among men.
now my last post please dont take it as I was bashing millitary or police.
I see the world as this.
people are people,we all have jobs mine is to keep your cars running and someones elses is to protect my life and properity ie. police,fire,ems whatever
these people are no different from me only difference is we wear different uniforms and have different roles in the community.
and in the same breath I will say that no mater what clothes you wear to work if your an idiot,or an asshole you are an idiot or an asshole.
and I see now adays that there are alot of both in the worng jobs and people still get their panties wet over them because of the job they chose to do.
thast all
i hate little teenage punks who like to act tough just as much as the next guy. i also understand that officers have to come across as tough and i understand why they need to constantly be on the defensive.
with that said, this cop’s actions were completely unwarranted. once he put his hands on the kid, he definitely crossed the line.
one of those kids should have fucked him up with a skateboard.
What a cock.
He is why cops get a bad rap.
Departments should show that video during candidate testing. Those interviewees that respond with, “He reacted appropriately” would find their applications in the round file.
Attacking the cop would be the very last thing on my mind.
Like Nich said, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and if you as much as push him, he can cry that you were assaulting a police officer. Whose side are they going to take in court?
Cops are often on a power trip where I live, and the easiest way to get away from one is to tell them they are right, they will always be right, and you are wrong. It sucks, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Just consider it the price you have to pay for them to protect you when real shit happens…I guess.
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
A question for all of you:
if that kid who got tackled was your little brother, would you have fucked up the cop?[/quote]
If that kid was my son - I would kick my son’s ass for being so disrespectful.
The kid was a little bitch. He needed a lot more than getting tackled.
Ahhh, Baltimore’s finest strikes again.
He’s probably just pissed he got issued that little pussy car.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
If that kid was my son - I would kick my son’s ass for being so disrespectful.
The kid was a little bitch. He needed a lot more than getting tackled. [/quote]
I hope you’re joking…
If i knew it was on video i’d be like fuck dude whatever. If a cop talked to me like that, i’d sure as hell talk back to him. Police protect the streets, sure, but that doesn’t give them the right to go on power trips, especially on 14 yr. olds. Hope that kid got his skateboard back, that shit is expensive. 60 dollars for trucks wheels and hardware and 60 dollars for the deck, i know it took me forever to pay for my first board back when i skated.
I really wanted the kid to scream out “DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!” then run for it.
[quote]zephead4747 wrote:
A question for all of you:
if that kid who got tackled was your little brother, would you have fucked up the cop?[/quote]
Good luck with that plan.
*Can’t…stop…looking…@…abpower’s avatar…can’t…resist…sweatpant boner going on…
What I like is his little car that he has. Must be because he has an “obesity disability” that you commonly see rent-a-cops and firefighters have.
This cop is beyond a joke, and is only acting like this because he is dealing with a 14 yr old kid. I find is highly unlikely a guy like this would talk shit to someone of decent age and size. If he was dealing with anyone who resembled any hint of thuggish behavior, he would have called for back up. This guy should be working behind a desk, he doesnt have the physical or mental capacity to work the streets. These are kids skateboarding, not chopping up people with chainsaws. This pig should be prosecuted and sued for excessive force on a non-resistant minor. It is not against the law to talk back to a peace officer. This guy better not ever work in the jail or correctional system, he would never make it.
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
This pig should be prosecuted and sued for excessive force on a non-resistant minor. It is not against the law to talk back to a peace officer. This guy better not ever work in the jail or correctional system, he would never make it. [/quote]
Let me present a possible scenario.
Officer Rivieri tells this kid to stop skateboarding multiple times. We do not see that on the video, because the video either starts or is edited to start after this happens. We get a hint of it when the kid protests that he “didn’t hear” the officer. The officer attempts to talk to the kid - gruffly (but so what?) - and decides that the kid is going to continue to skateboard. I do not know whether skateboarding is prohibited by statute in the Inner Harbor.
So the officer decides he is going to take the kid’s board, rather than allow him to keep doing something he has been told not to do. The kid clutches onto the board while the officer attempts to seize it. The kid is resisting the officer, and the only reason he is on the ground is that he chose to do so.
Yes, the officer comes off like an asshole. But then, you do not know what came before this.
A skateboard is not considered contraband in any way, and is never presented as a threat in any manner. Whether or not skateboarding is allowed within the Inner Harbor is also unknown to me. But even if it is, I doubt it is any violation of a penal code.
He is on the ground because he is being assaulted by a man who is more than twice his size, and double his age. He might have fallen out of fear, or out of the fact that this man is more than double his bodyweight. This is by no means grounds for using that kind of force. A lawyer would have a field day with this one.
You also notice at the end of the video, how the cop asks if the camera was on. He was also quick to mention how he better not end up on the internet, which ironically did happen. When someone says something like that, it sounds to me as if they know they are guilty of something wrong. His statement is an admission of his pathetic behavior. You can tell in his tone of voice, that he is not well suited for handling a 14 yr old, let alone someone who is actually committing a real crime.